
Friday, December 2, 2011

Taman Provides An Update

There is a lot of information swirling out there about who the next coach of the Saskatchewan Roughriders is going to be. GM Brendan Taman brought us up to date this afternoon on how things are going while basically saying don't believe everything you read or that's been tweeted or put on Facebook. Here is what he had to say....

TamanDec2 by mitchellblair


  1. Anonymous12/02/2011

    This is 10 minutes of nothing! Why bother?

  2. Why bother? Because everyone is tweeting this and tweeting that starting rumour after rumour after rumour. This is Taman basically saying here's the status and don't believe everything you read. Give the guy (and their communications staff) a break!

  3. Anonymous12/02/2011

    He actually sounds a lot better on audio than via tweets. Thanks for posting this.

  4. I guess it never hurts for the GM to remind people, in a round about way, that the only news that truly counts is that which involves a final decision by the team, whether it involves a player or coach, announced by the team.

    The rumours put out there about Kent Austin and Hamilton seem to be the most ridiculous. People should keep in mind Rob Vanstone's recent analysis about Austin's situation down south. I do however like the fact that Brendan Taman pointed out that Cornell does have to grant permission for Kent to do interviews for another job.

  5. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Why is Vanstone so fixated on Kent Austin's return? I'm surprised he hasn't started lobbying for Taman to trade Durant so he can get his beloved Burris in here. Kent Austin is too smart to come back to the CFL with the Riders, the Ti-Cats or any other team. Rob has to get used to that. It sounded to me in listening to this that Taman is getting sick and tired of all the different rumours that are out there and called everyone together to say this is what the Riders are saying.


  6. Anonymous12/02/2011

    When I started following the Riders, Ron Atchison, Bill Clarke and Reg Whitehouse were the big names. I can honestly say that in all those years I was never as disturbed with the goings on as what I am right now. I have absolutely zero confidence in Brendan Taman.

  7. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Does anyone dispute what Taman is saying? I have been in the position of hiring staff and understand the interview process. The resumes look good but until you actually sit down with and discuss the job expectations and other important items with each candidate you do not have a favourite. Give Taman some credit for actually respecting the process and trying to find the best fit.
    The least known coach might be the best. Who amoung you thought that Kent austin was the best? He had been fired from Toronto and left Regina in a huff. How did that work out?
    Leave the selection to the people who actually know something instead of promoting who you think might sound like a sexy choice.

  8. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Give Taman a break people! lol He is taking his time until the best candidates have all been hired and their assistants hired also. Then we have to settle for all the bottom feeders just like Taman is. The 2012 season will be another write off.

  9. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Who's pressers are less informative??
    Tamans or Fiacco's? What a gong show this franchise has become in such a short period.

  10. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Sounds like many would like Taman just to hire someone without doing the proper homework. Isn't that what happened with Greg Marshall? I guess that is what some of you knuckle-draggers want though.


  11. Anonymous12/02/2011

    Hey Scruffy. Did the guy known as BigSexyDawg change his name to Bingo Arms on He some kind of loves you!

  12. West Central Dave12/03/2011

    Sounds like there is a few anon cousins on the loose again. Big talk, no courage. No names either apparantly. I'm sure they would do a great job running the team. Lol.

  13. Anonymous12/03/2011

    Listening to a Taman interview or press conf is in comparision to watching paint dry. And we have 1 more year of listening to him. Also why is Taman so cocky and arrogant with his lousy career GM record?? Winnipeg fans I talked to at Grey Cup couldn't believe we would hire such a loser.

  14. Anonymous12/03/2011

    Its people like west central Dave accepting mediocracy is the reason this team has only 3 cups in 100 years!

  15. Anonymous12/03/2011

    Brendan Taman is Saskatchewan's answer to Danny Macocia.

  16. Anonymous12/03/2011

    Taman and Macocia are both perennial losers but at least Macocia inherited a Grey Cup and has a ring. If it came down to who's worse it would be a very tough decision

  17. West Central Dave12/04/2011

    I'm sure the anon with no name knows what's best for everyone.
