
Monday, January 2, 2012

Another QB Swap

The Henry Burris to Hamilton trade has now been made official by both teams. Here is the release from the Stampeders on the deal.


  1. Lee-Anne1/02/2012

    Makes no sense for either team. Trading an aging QB for another aging QB! Obviously Glenn makes slightly less than Burris, but I don't see the benefit for either team.

  2. Thats to bad thought we might have a chance to land Glenn as a backup for DD. Could,ve helped DD

  3. Anonymous1/02/2012

    DAMN! I was hoping Glenn might come here to be the backup to DD. Oh well. Do you see any other vets shaking free to be the #2 man here or are we stuck with Dinwiddie/Bergquist again?

  4. Anonymous1/03/2012

    The difference here is that Burris is an athlete and Glenn isn't. He falls apart like B.Pierce
