
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fantuz And The NFL

Is Andy Fantuz trying his luck in the NFL again? He may be. Andrew Bucholtz of Yahoo Sports has written a very good article on Andy's future and that article suggests #83 has worked out for the Jacksonville Jaguars as he continues to follow his dream of playing in the NFL even though it didn't work out with the Bears last  year. The article can be found right here


  1. Anonymous1/05/2012

    If Fantuz can't get a shot from the Jags (who have the worst receivers in the NFL with the Bears having the second worst) then Fantuz will never get "a fair shot" (sarcasm) in the NFL

  2. Anonymous1/05/2012

    The drama begins again. Great!

  3. Anonymous1/05/2012

    I have grown so sick and tired of this guy. Go to the NFL again and be a failure. However, when you come back with your tail tucked between your legs again, go somewhere else because this Rider fan is no longer a Fantuz fan.


  4. Lee-Anne1/05/2012

    Are you kidding me? I'm getting so sick and tired of all this drama and distraction. My advice to the Riders: make Fantuz a very lucrative offer, and if he doesn't take it...take a hike. They could offer DE Justin Hickman a 6 figure salary and have money left over to go after another free agent on defense. The team is fairly deep at the receiver position, but they do need help on D. Fantuz is turning into a first class diva, and we don't need that. There is no "I" in team. Right now, I could care less whether Andy Fantuz comes back or not. Give him a deadline to sign, then move on.

  5. Anonymous1/05/2012

    Lee-Anne: You are so right. You get my vote for Ass't GM.

  6. Anonymous1/05/2012

    yeah. "I'm waiting to see who the new coaches are......"

    Best of luck Andy.

    I guess we'll see you in September with an Argo's uni on this time.

  7. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Count me in as a Rider fan that is sick of Fantuz.

  8. Anonymous1/07/2012

    Don't count on Fantuz being back, he is looking for the big bucks and won't get them in Sask.!!!!
