
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fantuz Or No Fantuz--I Don't Care

As the calendar dips into February, CFL free agency gets closer and closer. As it does so, Rider fans (at least some of them) are obsessed over whether or not Andy Fantuz comes back to Saskatchewan or if he will be catching passes elsewhere. Perhaps its been because this discussion has gone on for so long, but I couldn’t care less if he is here or not come training camp because I know that with or without Fantuz, the football team will be fine.

In this salary cap world that the CFL now lives in, teams have to take a good look at their money and where it is being spent. With Chris Getzlaf and Weston Dressler taking up the inside positions and a healthy Rob Bagg back outside with whoever whether it be Dallas Baker, Cary Koch or someone new, the team isn’t hurting at receiver. Yes, not having Fantuz would not be the best thing, but he alone does not the offence make and there is talent behind him.

Defensively, it is no secret that this team needs someone who can get to the quarterback. Justin Hickman is coming off a 13 sack season with Hamilton and he is a free agent---he is also someone who would know new coach Corey Chamblin quite well seeing Chamblin spent last season in Hamilton as the team’s defensive co-ordinator. With Barrin Simpson and Sean Lucas gone, there is a void at linebacker so perhaps someone like Edmonton’s Rod Davis or Toronto’s Jason Pottinger is a possibility.

Fantuz’s reluctance to sign a new contract with the football team is understandable. He wants to see what type of offers are out there. Sadly, Rider fans that likely means money that was earmarked for him a while ago is now being placed elsewhere and Andy probably isn’t plan A anymore.

I think this team needs to address its defiencies in free agency on the defensive side of the ball. I may be wrong in that philosophy and if I am, so be it. However, Andy’s desire to wait until February 15 or beyond to make a decision on his football future makes me think that with other talented players out there who will command a sizable chunk of coin that Fantuz will be hearing the jeers of Rider fans who used to adore him instead of the cheers that he’s been accustomed to.


  1. I agree with you on this one Mitch, I 'm tired of the talk. But I think that he will still sign with the Riders once he can legally get offers from other teams. His NFL dreams won't happen . Riders will still be able to offer enough to retain him and get some of the free agent defensive talent out there.


  2. Anonymous1/31/2012

    I can't disagree either. I don't think its a secret that we are really suffering on 'D right now and getting some guys to help there is more important than a guy who seemingly doesn't want to be here.


  3. Mitch you are right on. Lets spend the money on the defence, we have a good group of receivers. Let Andy go where it is best for Andy, if we spend the money in the right places and no Andy we well BE A BETTER TEAM Also Mitch nice to see someone with the balls like yourself to tell it like it is, we can not be held hostage by Andy

  4. Anonymous1/31/2012

    You forgot about Labatte Scruffy. I think I would rather have him wearing green than Fantuz or Hickman. Could we afford the two of them (Labatte, Hickman) or is that asking too much?
