
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Marshall To Montreal

From Herb Zurkowsky of the Montreal Gazette

The Alouettes are in the market for a defensive coordinator, and Greg Marshall might be the most qualified man for the job - should Canadian Football League experience be a prerequisite.

So it should come as no surprise the Als have been in contact with Marshall, the former head coach of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, The Gazette has learned. But that, of course, doesn't necessarily mean he's about to be hired, unless head coach Marc Trestman believes there's a comfort level with Marshall and the two find they can coexist.

"Let's say I've heard from them," Marshall admitted during an interview with The Gazette while visiting family near Sacramento, Calif. "I don't know their process or their thoughts.

"The Alouettes are going to do what gives them the best chance to win a Grey Cup," he added. "I'm always thinking and believing I'm the best option. If I don't believe that, who's going to?"

Als management, led by Trestman and general manager Jim Popp, are in Mobile, Ala., this week, site of the Senior Bowl. Along with their scouting duties, they'll be conducting interviews with potential coaching candidates. Montreal has lost four assistants since the end of last season, including defensive coordinator Tim Tibesar, who just last week accepted a similar position at Purdue University.

Marshall initially refused comment when asked whether he would be interviewed this week. Later, he said there were no plans "at this time" for him to travel to Mobile.

In an email, Trestman said he wouldn't comment on potential interviews with coaching staff.

However, Popp also admitted discussions have occurred.

"He has to be considered," Popp said. "There are only so many experienced CFL guys out there."

While the final decision ultimately rests with Trestman, Marshall doesn't necessarily have to jump at the first offer coming his way. He has two years remaining on his Riders contract. While he's free to accept another CFL job, that would require him and Saskatchewan management reaching a financial settlement on what he's still owed.

"If someone's interested, I'll always listen. I'll make the best decision moving forward for me," Marshall said. "I would be interested in what (the Als) have to offer. At some point, I see myself back in coaching, although I don't know the time frame. I want to make sure the next move is the right move ... the best thing for my career ... the best move, moving forward.

"I enjoy coaching. I always have," Marshall added. "I see myself getting back in the right circumstances and equation. I miss it, and I've missed it from the day I walked out of the (Riders') office."

Marshall, along with Saskatchewan offensive coordinator Doug Berry, were fired Aug. 19, after the Riders started the season 1-7 and the day following a 24-18 loss at Toronto.

It was a bitter pill to swallow for the amiable Marshall, who had waited nearly 20 years to get his first head-coaching position. Ironically, he was hand-picked for the job by Ken Miller, the team's former head coach and, at the time, vicepresident of football operations. The Riders reached the Grey Cup in 2009 and 2010, losing both times to Montreal, under Miller. Miller, now retired, replaced Marshall last season.

Marshall has been a defensive coordinator with Saskatchewan, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Hamilton, dating back to 1996. Popp is familiar with him and his body of work. In 2008, Marshall interviewed for the job that eventually went to Trestman. Seven years earlier, Marshall also contacted the Als, but Rod Rust, the head coach at the time and himself a defensive genius, didn't want Marshall on his staff.

Marshall obviously remains disappointed over his departure from Saskatchewan, but can say only so much, given the fact he's still being compensated by the organization.

"I don't need to say anything," he said. "I'm disappointed how things worked out and am trying to move on."


  1. Anonymous1/25/2012

    Montreal can have him!

  2. Anonymous1/25/2012

    Am I the only one out there that thinks when Marshall does start working again that he is going to expose a lot of what happened behind closed doors last year. The sooner he gets hired by someone, the sooner the real story comes out as to how he was harpooned by Miller and Hopson.


  3. Anonymous1/25/2012

    I would take Marshall over Hall anyday and all day!

  4. Anonymous1/26/2012

    Marshall should hold off taking any job and keep getting paid by the Riders until his contract runs out next year. That's how he really stings the Riders - in the pocketbook.
