
Friday, January 6, 2012

This And That

Congratulations to Sweden for winning the World Junior Hockey Championship. "Tre Kronor" hadn't won the tournament since 1981. They deserved it. They thoroughly outclassed the Russian team in the final outshooting them 58-17. I have never seen a Russian team get outshot so badly in a major event. Like many of you though, I was thinking the Russians would get a greasy one midway through the third and hold on for the victory.
I am as disappointed as the next guy over the fact Canada didn't win the gold at this event and have now gone three straight years without winning. I laughed on Thursday when I looked at the Leader-Post website and they were asking the question "Does Canadian Hockey need an overhaul". The answer to me is a resounding NO!!!. There is no need for a meeting of the minds to see how our game needs to change to make us successful again. Its time to start giving credit to other countries who are now at the level Canada has been at for a number of years. As I said on "The Sportscage" Thursday, if you started that tournament over again today, there is no guarantee Canada would win gold and there is no guarantee that Sweden and Russia would have played in the final. There wasn't a lot separating Canada, the U-S, Russia, Finland, and the Czechs in this tournament. Where both North American countries failed was in goal. Jack Campbell was terrible for the U-S and our goalies did prove to be the Achilles heel that many experts predicted going in. If there is one problem I have with what is happening with hockey in our country, its the fact we aren't producing great goalies. We produce skilled forwards and tough defencemen, but where is the goalie development at. I found it interesting in chatting with TSN's James Duthie on the Cage when he said the top 15 goalies when it comes to save percentage in the NHL have a distinct lack of Canadiana. Brian Elliott, J-S Giguere, Josh Harding, Jonathan Quick are there and one could argue that Quick is the only established number one guy.  We need to do something about goaltender development, but we don't need to overhaul the whole system.
CTV's Lee Jones had the best comment of all when it came to the Russians beating Canada in the semi-final. The talented Mr. Jones said "After what we did to them at the Olympics, they can have that game and many others, we showed them that night who was the best and they know it." I can't argue with that.
There were eight solid hours of all-sports radio on 620 CKRM yesterday as the two hockey games from Calgary were on with the Sportscage sandwiched in between. I am guessing there were many people listening to "Saskatchewan's Sports Leader" yesterday and for good reason. For the past couple of  years, I have had discussions with those in the industry about whether or not Regina could support an all-sports radio station. At first, I didn't think it could, but the more I think about it, I've changed my mind. I think Regina could support one because there are enough sports fans out there. Do I think it will happen? The answer is no----at least not for a number of years unless a new company enters the marketplace.
I do not think the Regina Pats will trade Jordan Weal at the trade deadline. I don't know how they can considering the way this team has played over the past couple of weeks. I had my first chance to see the Pats in about a month the other night when they destroyed Prince Albert and Weal was a one-man show registering 5 points. This team may be a buyer instead of a seller, but if they are to be a buyer, I think GM Chad Lang will look to get some youth on his blueline. Brandon Davidson and Art Bidlevskii are 20 and won't be back. Colton Jobke and Brandon Underwood are 19 and neither may be back. Lang has a plan for this hockey team and its obviously a good plan. I think he sees that he may have to tweak the plan a little to continue the success that the team has had. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lang try to get an 18 year old defenceman if he can and the cost is right. By the way, the Pats play the Blades at the Brandt Centre tonight starting at 7. This is a good looking hockey team so you may want to check them out if you haven't been to the rink for a while.
While on the topic of the WHL trade deadline, I would think the Moose Jaw Warriors should be phoning the Tampa Bay Lightning to see what the plans for Brett Connolly are. If not, I look to make a deal to bring Connolly to Moose Jaw. That could put the Warriors over the top.  From Tampa to Moose Jaw---that would be a culture shock.
Van Halen announced its Canadian tour today and the tour won't see a stop in Regina or Saskatoon. BOOOOOOOOO!!! For those who care, it will stop in Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg --May 9, 11 and 17. Wait a minute---is there room for an outdoor concert in Regina?????
This might be a pipedream but I will throw it out there. I don't know if Hockey Canada will ever consider bringing the World Juniors back to Saskatchewan because of the money that is involved. I would love to see a World Championship come here but again I don't know if that will ever happen. However, I could see Regina hosting a World Womens Hockey Championship. TSN showed what years the juniors and womens world championship will be coming to Canada and there are many years in which the womens event will be played on our soil. Could Regina host that event? I think so.
Some don't care, but I think its stupid that four of the first six NHL all-stars announced by the fans are Ottawa Senators. Yes, the game is in Ottawa and Senator fans stuffed the ballot box, but CMON!! I guess that's the reason why I have no interest in all-star games----no matter the sport.
Two thumbs up to Corey Chamblin's coaching staff. I really like what he has assembled and I think the additions of Barron Miles and Jason Tucker---two guys who are just out of the game are huge. I also laugh at those who no matter what the Riders do will take time out to take a shot at Brendan Taman. I really have no idea why there is so much hate towards Taman and why Rider fans won't give him a chance. Is it still the Eric Tillman factor? Some people really need to take a step back.
If the Riders want to bring in an experienced QB to back up Darian Durant, who is left? I thought Kevin Glenn might be the answer and so did many others. He's no longer part of the equation. Could it be Jarious Jackson? I don't think so.
The Flames got beat 9-0 by the Bruins last night. 9-0????!!!! As an Oilers fan, I  love that. I just wonder if Flames fans are looking for the team to move back to Atlanta after that one.
Brian Burke bemoaning the eradication of the enforcer when he released Colton Orr is just ludicrous. As Sportsnet's Arash Madani tweeted, perhaps the family of Derek Boogaard should speak to NHL players and perhaps to Mr. Burke himself. Burkie has made outlandish statements in the past, but this one is right up there. I want to see talent on the ice and not a guy who is just out there to fight. Those days are over! If Burke's sentiments are ones that other GM"s adhere to, then the fight is lost.
Scott Schultz returns to the Sportscage today as it is Four Seasons Football Friday. We haven't heard from "the old 96er" in quite a while and there is a lot to talk about---NFL, CFL and NCAA. You know Schultzie won't hold back. It will also be my last show as Rod will be back on Monday to take over the chair. If you've been listening, I hope you enjoyed the last month. It was a lot of fun!


  1. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Is there anything wrong with our game. No! I do agree with you that our goaltending isn't great right now, but would our goaltending have mattered if the NHL would have sent back junior eligible players. That is my biggest problem is that like the World Championships, we can no longer field our best team. Yes, our junior team is stronger than our worlds team, but we get no help from the NHL. Maybe that's just sour grapes.


  2. Anonymous1/06/2012

    I would love to hear you and Pedersen and whoever on an all-sports station. It could be done as far as this cowboy is concerned.


  3. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Van Halen at Mosaic in May. I'd be there. As it is. I'm checkin out Edmonton and Calgary now.

  4. Anonymous1/06/2012

    I hate to say it Mitch, but I think we are stuck with Dinwiddie as the #2 again in 2012.

    Great job doing the Cage. It just shows how stupid Rawlco was in letting you go and keeping Remenda.

  5. Anonymous1/06/2012

    I think the Canada loss was more a matter of some tough puck luck. I'm pretty sure Murray never intended to tip/direct 3 pucks into his own net, and if they played again tomorrow it would not likely happen that way. Wedgewood was a pleasant surprise, although I would have rather seen Bunz in that position. Goalie stats are more a reflection of the team in front of them.

  6. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Hey Mitch haven't you noticed that Taman is approx 20 games under .500 as a CFL GM ?? Also he hasn't found us a DE in 2 years WTF??? IMO he is by far the worst GM in the CFL

  7. A big thumbs up on the Rider's 2012 coaching team. I think that there are some who don't like Taman no matter what because he is a guy from Saskatchewan rather than a place like Texas or Mississippi. There seems to a a bit of a prejudice against a Canadian GM in the sense that some believe that the football smarts cannot be at the same level as someone raised in the football culture of the US south and with special "contacts". I think on this score they are wrong of course. Taman is a smart GM with lots of experience and contacts.

  8. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Regina isn't big enough to support an all-sports radio station. I wish it was, but its not.

  9. Anonymous1/06/2012

    MJ has the ability to make a deal like Kootenay made to get Eakin or Saskatoon made to get Schenn. I say do it, especially if they could get Connolly.

  10. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Hey Keith if Taman is so smart with lots of contacts why is our talent level so depleted now since Taman took over from Tillman? Why is Taman not even close to a .500 CFL record? Who in the CFL is worse as a GM? Obie might be close but Taman gets my vote.

  11. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Not sure about you Keith but I don't care where a GM is from. He could be from Lumsden for all I care as long as he is proven winner that can bring in talent while making smart football moves and trades. After next year hopefully we see the last of Taman in Sask. It should of been this year but Hoppy has no balls and needs a shield to get him another year of pay cheques.

  12. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Canada does need to start producing some goaltenders. Who is the best Cdn born goalie in the NHL right now and if you say Luongo, try again.

    Love the comment from Lee Jones. He's right! HA HA

    If Winnipeg can have an all-sports station, why can't Regina?

    Taman has brought enough proven players into this league as far as I'm concerned. The haters just want something to bitch at.


  13. Completely disagree with your thoughts on the Burke comment; he makes a great point. Sure we all want to see skill on the ice but there are still those who run around and take cheap shots (Matt Cooke and more recently Rene Bourque come to mind) and what is their greatest fear? A suspension. Oh no, the guy making $5 million dollars misses out on two games...oh my! If he had to worry about answering the bell, these garbage hits would eliminate themselves. Look at it this way, we have seen the introduction of the instigator rule and the slow elimination of enforcers...what has happened? A pile of concussions and a pile of suspensions....nothing to stop Matt Cooke from delivering that next cheap shot. Burke's right...the rats are going to take over the league and that to me is sad. I am in no way saying a return to the 70's Broadstreet Bullies is required, I am merely saying having a guy on the bench ready to smack you in the teeth a few times for crossing the line is equally troubling than a suspension, if not more so.

  14. How many years has Brendan Taman been football? How many Grey Cups has he won?

  15. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Good workon the cage

  16. Anonymous1/06/2012

    There's no way the Pats can trade Weal especially if they beat Saskatoon tonight. Trading him now would be foolish.

  17. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Regina could make an all-sports radio station if someone was willing to take the gamble on it. Personally, I would sacrifice listening to country music on the AM dial if it were replaced by an all-sports station. However, I'm guessing that wouldn't happen.

  18. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Is Regina big enough for a world womens HC. I don't think so.

  19. West Central Dave1/06/2012

    Hoppy has no balls? Quite ironic that the anon who made that statement doesn't have the balls to put their name to that statement. What are you afraid of?

  20. Anonymous1/07/2012

    Great work while Rod was away Scruffster.

