
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sorry Rider Fans...


  1. Anonymous2/21/2012

    He won't put up the #'s there that he had here if Hank is the QB. He made a mistake.

  2. sad to see ! career wise mite be a bad move as hank only has 1 or 2 more years left in him and ti-cats have no credable prospects to throw the ball . i agree he may have made a mistake but cant blame the guy for being home sick

  3. Anonymous2/21/2012

    You want to go home fine. But you don't lead on the Rider Nation for 2 years with your mind games. Andy you'd better wear earplugs when you come to Regina, because you are public enemy #1 now and you deserve every jeer you get. Not for moving but for the way you handled yourself.


  4. So he thinks the TiCats are going to be competative right away? And the Riders aren't ? Hmm. I think he's going to regret that comment.
