
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pats Pay For Clipping Fiasco

The Western Hockey League has suspended Regina Pats forward Dyson Stevenson for one game after he was assessed a clipping major in last nite's double overtime 5-4 win by the Moose Jaw Warriors. Pats president Brent Parker has also been fined $2500 dollars for his actions following the game.

Game 5 of the series will go Friday at Mosaic Place. A Warriors win will send them to the 2nd round of the playoffs.


  1. Anonymous3/29/2012

    Did you expect anything less?

  2. Anonymous3/29/2012

    Parker should be suspended for derogatory remarks

  3. Anonymous3/29/2012

    i thought clipping was a 10 yard penalty

  4. Anonymous3/29/2012

    This really doesn't surprise me.

  5. Anonymous3/29/2012

    Parker was angry and he should be. Those morons cost him an extra home gate which is worth thousands of dollars. The series is over. He knows it. I can't see the Pats playing at home Saturday night, but if they are, it will be the loudest its been at the Brandt Centre in years.

    Did he really punch a hole in the wall?

  6. Anonymous3/29/2012

    Considering the fact that Parker has a very volatile temper, I think we should be glad that police didn't get involved. Would anyone of blamed him if he punched that moron of a referee right in the kisser. He had every right to after that botched call. I'd love to know what was said in that phone call between the WHL and the refs today.


  7. Anonymous3/29/2012

    Mitchy, Mitchy, Mitchy. Why weren't you in the Cage today? Roddie and Remps went toe to toe over the hit. It got a little ugly.

  8. Anonymous3/29/2012

    How exactly do you suspend a team president? More brilliance.
