
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saskatchewan Hockey Gets Slammed By New York Times

Is the hockey in Saskatchewan dirtier and more violent than it is in other parts of the country? The New York Times would have you believe that. There is a less than flattering article in the famous newspaper about fighting in Saskatchewan and if you ask me its a hatchet job. Fighting is no worse in this province than it is in any other. Take a read for yourself


  1. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Its sort of a cheap shot considering he just focuses in on Saskatchewan and not the other provinces where I would say the same things can be written.

    If he is suggesting fighting is worse here than anywhere else, Mr. Klein is sadly mistaken IMO.


  2. Anonymous3/01/2012

    When I read the title, I assumed the article would be completely one sided and paint us all as Philistines.

    Upon reading it, I don't think it did. McClintock's comments didn't appear to be misrepresented and overall the article didn't offend me.


    A portion of big city populations are going to think we're rubes no matter what is said, I doubt this article will change that.

    I just thought it pointed out that 'down home' places like SK don't follow every politically correct whim that the rest of the country does.

  3. Anonymous3/01/2012

    I read the article...and I didn't get any indication that 'Saskatchewan Hockey Gets Slammed'. It brought light to the fact that some players and parents feel that fighting is a way to a pro hockey career. And backed that point with a number of interviews and quotes. You read them yourself. No parent wants their kid to get hurt...but rightly or wrongly, they feel this is a necessity to get their child to the next step of their playing career.

    I didn't read any venom in this article. I don't think it was a hatchet job at all.


  4. Anonymous3/01/2012

    as someone who has been around the 3 western provinces, the focus on physical play is highlighted more by Sk coaches, where skill is focused on in BC. Alberta is somewhere between SK and BC. That is not to say there is no fighting in those 2 other provinces though.

  5. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Saskatchewan hockey doesn't get slammed? This guy points out how fighting is prevalent in all of Saskatchewan's leagues. He at no time mentions other provinces or leagues and focuses entirely on Saskatchewan. If I am someone looking at perhaps having my kid who is from out of province playing in the SJHL or something, I would think twice about it for fears of his safety. The truth is fighting is "a culture" in all of Canadian hockey. I wouldn't be very happy if I were the SHA today.


  6. Anonymous3/01/2012

    "Slammed" might be too harsh a word, but I do agree that this doesn't put Saskatchewan hockey in a good light.

  7. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Perhaps the bottom line here is the state of officiating. I have seen WHL, SJHL, Junior B and Midget games this year where the fighting could have been alleviated if the man with the armbands had control of the game. The inconsistency of what is and what isn't a penalty translates to players taking unnecessary pokes at one another which leads to the gloves being dropped. You can look at this and look at that, but until the quality of reffing improves, nothing will change. If fighting is removed, the amount of stickwork will increase.


  8. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Fighting is a proud tradition in Saskatchewan. You don't think that is a shot at Saskatchewan hockey. We aren't the only place where that notion is thought and I don't see any mention of that in this story. Did this guy used to work for McLeans?

  9. I did not think he was slamming anyone at all. That's one of the very few accurate reports of hockey culture in Western Canada, probably all of Canada. Fighting is still seen as a key part of the game.
    Now that my kid is in Football, I find the comparison between the culture of the sports very interesting. Football is more aggresive and violent but fighting is completely unacceptable. In Hockey fighting is not just acceptable it is expected,...

  10. Anonymous3/01/2012

    truenorthern states:
    Football is more aggresive and violent but fighting is completely unacceptable. In Hockey fighting is not just acceptable it is expected,...

    How can you argue with that statement. Sasdly, fighting is expected to get at the next level.

