
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saskatoon Wants The NHL

TSN's Bob McKenzie is reporting Saskatoon is starting to make inroads about getting an NHL franchise again. His story, which is on, is right here.


  1. Anonymous3/01/2012


  2. Anonymous3/01/2012

    It never hurts to ask. What's the worst they can say? No?

  3. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Someone needs to tell Mr. McKenzie that April Fools Day is on April 1 and not March 1. CMON!

  4. Anonymous3/01/2012

    The day Saskatoon gets the NHL is the day Gary "I am the worst thing to hit Saskatchewan radio" Nickle replaces Bob McCown. Who are they trying to kid? I can think of numerous places where the NHL will go before it even considers Saskatoon. Its sad that McKenzie would even write this.


  5. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Somewhere Quebec City and Hamilton laughs aloud.

    Saskatoon can't even go watch a good Blades team so why bother pursuing this. Oh wait, Saskatoon is too big for the Blades.

  6. Anonymous3/01/2012

    You and the rest of the hacks in Regina will be laughing when Saskatoon gets a team in the next 5-10 years. Bettman is starting to realize the NHL isn't working in the south. He also sees what is happening in Winnipeg and knows it can happen elsewhere including Saskatoon. Wait and see you pot bellied idiot. You and that other smug prick Pedersen won't be laughing then.

  7. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Saskatchewan is a have province and our population is growing. I don't see anything wrong with taking a look at it. What's it going to hurt?


  8. Anonymous3/01/2012

    Do I think this will happen? No. Do I think Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) could support a team. Yes! We are hockey mad in this province and a team here would create a Rider-like atmosphere. This province continues to grow and if a team came to CUC, many (including peeps in Regina and south) would buy tickets.

