
Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Bad St.Patricks Day For Regina Sports

Most of us drink green beer on St. Patricks Day and wake up with a hangover Sunday morning. One wouldn't blame either the Cougar womens basketball team or the Pats if they needed an Advil or two and to my knowledge, no green beer touched their lips.

Lets start in Calgary where the dream of a championship season went up in smoke for Dave Taylor and his Cougar womens basketball team. I watched the online telecast of the game and it was obvious right from the get-go that this team just didn't have the energy to compete with the hometown Dinosaurs who got out to an early lead that the Cougars could not come back on. I thought there were a couple of questionable calls in the first half that hurt Regina, but Calgary was the better team and by the time desperation set in, it was too late--albeit just barely as the Cougars put together a furious rally in the latter stages of the 4th quarter but still lost 75-66. Its hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago we were talking about this team perhaps having a perfect season after rolling through Canada West with an unbeaten regular season record. For whatever reason, the wheels fell off and that's got to be a tough pill to swallow for this team. The Cougars host the CIS National tournament next year and after last night, I'm guessing Taylor has started preparations for that immediately.

Off to Brandon where the Pats were thumped 7-2 by the Wheat Kings. Losing both ends of the home and home to a Brandon team who was just as hungry for points as the Pats were is not a good thing, but Pat Conacher will have his guys ready for Friday night's playoff opener in Moose Jaw. As much as I think the Pats will give Moose Jaw a run for their money, I would not be want to be the team playing the Brandon Wheat Kings as they have been just as good if not better than the Pats down the stretch. One observer close to the Wheat Kings said the other night they don't match up well with the top teams in the East, I respectfully beg to differ. I'm glad its not Regina vs Brandon in the first round or it might be a short series.
The Toronto Sun's Steve Simmons (one of my faves to read) believes the Columbus Blue Jackets should trade the number one overall pick in this year's draft. Simmons says if the team is going to trade Rick Nash, they basically can trade the number one pick as well and get a lot back for both. I don't disagree with that philosophy. Columbus could get a few good players and prospects and more teams would obviously come to the dance than what the Jackets had at the trade deadline. Of course with the no-trade clause that Nash has, he wouldn't be going to a Winnipeg, an Edmonton or a Tampa Bay anytime soon.
Where do you take Sidney Crosby in a playoff draft this year?
I would much rather the NCAA mens basketball tournament than an NBA game.
I am really hoping that a Canadian sports network will pick up coverage of the NCAA Frozen Four hockey tournament. I have been told by several people that the NCAA hockey regionals and the Frozen Four is some of the best hockey you will see all winter and that its great to be there live. I do have being at a Frozen Four on my bucket list, but I would like to catch the euphoria of it all on TV courtesy TSN, Sportsnet or The Score. Of course, I wouldn't have to bitch about this if we had ESPN. It truly does baffle me how we can have the Oprah network in this country, but we can't have ESPN.
Former Niners quarterback Steve Young says Peyton Manning would be a great fit in San Francisco. Well DUHHHHHH. Did you expect him to say he would be a great fit in Baltimore? As a Seahawks fan, I say come to San Francisco Peyton, I look forward to seeing you twice a year.
How many more days until Rider rookie camp?


  1. Anonymous3/18/2012

    Can't wait for Friday. Hope the inbreds are ready to see their team get embarrassed on home ice.

  2. Anonymous3/18/2012

    Classy headline.

  3. Anonymous3/18/2012

    The Frozen Four is a must-see. I saw the 2007 event in St. Louis. Michigan State won it beating Boston College in the final. It was great!


  4. Anonymous3/18/2012

    Tough break for the Cougars. Something definitely happened over the past couple of weeks. This team seemingly can only get so far but they can't get that big win when they need it.

  5. Anonymous3/18/2012

    The headline is accurate! No use sugarcoating it.

    Getting serious now, I can't wait for Pats-Warriors. I'm guessing Kelly Remple will put aside his Pats love and be all Moose Jaw for the next two weeks. You can take the boy out of the Jaw, but you can't take the Jaw out of the boy. That's OK. I can't wait for this series. This rivalry has been dead for the past number of years, but I think it boils over in this round. Moose Jaw had so many problems with Regina this year and they will be under immense pressure to get it done.

    You are right against Brandon. I could see them knocking off Calgary.

    Great game this afternoon between Flyers and Penguins.

    See ya at the rink Scruffy


  6. Clansman21123/18/2012

    I'm not a big fan of the Hoops but for some reason I like the Tourny.

    College Sports are sometimes more fun to watch than the Pros, and Basketball is one of them for me.
