
Monday, April 16, 2012


As you know, the NHL fined Nashville defenceman Shea Weber 2500 dollars last week after he grabbed the head of Detroit's Henrik Zetterberg and slammed it into the plexiglass. It looked like Shawn Michaels officially ending his tag-team known as "The Rockers" by slamming Marty Jannetty's head through a window. The fine as you know was debated greatly with many wondering why the NHL even bothered.

That fine looks even more comedic now after hearing that the league has fined Ottawa's Zenon Konopka 2500 dollars for verbally abusing a member of the New York Rangers as he was doing a TV interview with NBC. This means that verbally abusing a player while doing a TV interview costs the same amount of money as slamming someone's head into the plexiglass.

I just don't understand what is going through the mind of Brendan Shanahan and others when it comes to discipline anymore. If I don't, what is going through the players minds.


  1. Anonymous4/16/2012

    It's the Maximum Fine allowed under the CBA.

    Is it bullcrap??? Absolutely, but what are you going to do?

  2. Anonymous4/16/2012

    Isn't $2500 the most the NHL can fine a player under the CBA? Kind of like $0.25 speeding tickets for normal folks.

  3. Anonymous4/16/2012

    Why bother with this? If this is the most a player can be fined under the CBA, its time to re-open that part of the document.

