
Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Round Stanley Cup Matchups Sent

Eastern Conference 

1) Rangers vs 8) Ottawa
2) Boston vs 7)Washington
3)Florida  vs 6)New Jersey
4) Pittsburgh vs 5) Philadelphia

Western Conference
1)Vancouver  vs 8) Los Angeles
2) St. Louis  vs 7) San Jose
3) Phoenix  vs 6) Chicago
4) Nashville vs 5) Detroit

To get the first round schedule, times and what network is doing what series, click here


  1. Anonymous4/08/2012

    Based on lopsided season series, NYR and Bruins could be golfing after first round.

  2. Anonymous4/08/2012

    Capitals may be a sleeper. I don't like the way Boston played down the stretch.

  3. Anonymous4/08/2012

    Can we just give the Canucks the Cup and concentrate on the Jays and the Riders?

  4. Anonymous4/08/2012

    Forget the Canucks, they are the most hated team in NHL by other NHL players and most fans (unless they're your team). That is fact. Google last years playoffs about Canucks comments by guys like Mark Recchi, etc.

  5. Anonymous4/08/2012

    Anonymous,guess what? We Canuck fans don't care or want you to cheer for us!For over forty years we have been subjected to non-stop coverage of the Leafs and Habs. We don't care if we are liked or are embraced"Canada's Team". Let us cheer for our team like we always have and let the rest of Canada cheer for someone else!!
    Loyal Canucks fan!!
