
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How Do Philly Papers Treat Sid?

Apparently, they don't like him either. Crosby was asked about this today and responded by saying its actually one of the more flattering things that paper has done or written about him.


  1. Anonymous4/18/2012

    I LOVE it, I wish our Leader Post was that ``Brave``. Would love to see headlines like this against some of the Roughriders opponents. I do suppose it is bulletin board material, though. GO RANGERS GO!!!! Mike Hammer

  2. Anonymous4/18/2012

    Mike Hammer (if that is your real name):

    Do I need to remind you of the famous cartoon in the Edmonton Sun before the 89 Western final and how the Riders used it for motivation?

    However, I would laugh hard and likely keep a copy or two if they did something with Burris and Fantuz come to town this year.

  3. Anonymous4/18/2012

    I think the Leader Post should organize a Fantuz jersey burning before the game. Make a bonfire and as people file into the game they could throw their olf #83 jersey into the firepit.

  4. Anonymous4/18/2012

    Did the Philly newspaper anger Sid and the Penguins? Uh ohhhhhhhhh!!!
