
Monday, April 2, 2012

LFL Lashes Out

(From the LFL Offices)

Since the announcement of LFL Canada launching a Regina franchise, a wide consortium of Regina radicals and bible-thumpers alongside some seriously biased media coverage has had the initiative under attack. With ridiculous headlines, one actually attempting to tie LFL Football to rapists and suggesting if you go to an LFL game it will lead to your becoming a rapist. 

While the Lingerie Football League has certainly had its share of negative press and limited public outrage in new territories, Regina set a whole new level of ignorance and irresponsible journalism. 

The league has maintained to not judge a book by the cover but by the substance which in this case is the athletics and brand of football. The story was not going to be told until this past Saturday night's Regina Rage 'Open Tryout'. Despite all the negative publicity and misconceptions, a strong number of athletic women came to the Credit Union EventPlex committed to playing Rage Football. 

When these athletes were asked about the negative media coverage and their resolve to play, they responded with:

"I believe integrity is represented by the morale of the individual, and is not a reflection of what they wear", said, Crystal Nikolai of Regina

"Some people may stereo type the sport but like I said these are talented/athletic women wanting to play a sport they love. I am just excited that we are now given the opportunity to play just like the boys, regardless what we are wearing!", said, Kylie Rossler of Regina

According to Regina resident and prospective Regina Rage Head Coach Larry Mueller the talent far exceeded this expectations with athletes from various sports wanting their opportunity to lace'em up in LFL Canada. If your counting, Saturday night's successful Rage debut places them ahead of the close-minded Regina residents and biased media. 

A select few players will now advance to the Rage Mini-Camp to work with Coach Mueller and his staff in preparation of LFL Canada and Regina Rage's season opener in Vancouver versus the BC Angels on Saturday, August 25th. 


  1. Anonymous4/02/2012

    Bible-thumpers? Negative press? This Mortaza is a real clown. I was going to give this guy a chance, but not now. My money will be spent elsewhere. Good luck to those who make the team, but I won't be watching you if it means my $$ help line his pockets.

  2. Anonymous4/02/2012

    I guarantee you this team never plays a down.

  3. Anonymous4/02/2012

    Who exactly is he mad at? I don't think I have heard one overly negative report and I sure haven't heard anyone say if they go to a game, they will become a rapist. WOWWWW!!


  4. Anonymous4/02/2012

    This guy is all hype. Reminds me of that clown D'Angelo and is Cheetah power drinks.

  5. I really don't care either way if they play or not but reaction to this has been way over board....but that is to be expected in a province where we aren't even able to have a beer at a strip club because apparently big brother thinks somehow we'll all go crazy and do bad things......even though everyone of age has gone to other provinces just for that reason. Whining and complaining really are Sask traditions.

  6. Anonymous4/03/2012

    What a joke! Anybody tied up in this "sport" should be ashamed.
