
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Odell Willis In Trouble

The Riders newest acquisition has been charged with drunken driving in Georgia. Here is the Leader-Post's story on what is happening with Odell Willis.


  1. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Isn't this the news we all want to hear? We get fleeced in a trade for someone past his prime and now that person turns out to be a drunk. HOORAY!!!

  2. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Odell isn't the first person to be charged with DUI and get a second chance. Lets not crucify him yet.

  3. Anonymous4/12/2012

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  4. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Your move Jim, your move Brendan. Is the code of conduct still around? If it is, I'm assuming and hoping Willis never plays a game in Rider silks.


  5. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Shhh. You can hear them laughing in Winnipeg.

  6. Anonymous4/12/2012

    We know what Shivers would do in this case and we know what Tillman would do. Hopefully Taman is somewhere in the middle if you know what I mean.


  7. Anonymous4/12/2012

    I don't think you cut a guy just because he made a stupid decision. If he killed someone, its a different story, but he didn't. As anon 2 says, lets not crucify him yet!

  8. West Central Dave4/12/2012

    How many Rider fans drive home over the legal limit from Mosaic after a game? I guess they should all get fired too.

  9. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Did the Oilers get rid of Khabbybulin (sp) when he was caught with a DUI in Arizona. No, and he actually spent some time in jail. I wouldn't get too worked up about this.


  10. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Anon #1 is an early contender for biggest drama queen of the week. Although there's still time!

  11. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Cmon people! This isn't like the guy went home and tried to sexually assault (or whatever you want to call it) his babysitter or had unprotected sex with someone knowing he was HIV positive. This is a guy that made a mistake. Are you going to tell me that you have never had a night out and driven home when maybe you shouldn't have or actually been caught? If you say yes to that then good for you and your angelic soul. Willis made a mistake. If he does it again, I'm all for getting rid of him. If its a one time thing, lets relax a little.


  12. Anonymous4/12/2012

    This certainly isn't the right way to make a first impression.

  13. Anonymous4/12/2012

    These isn'this first run in the with the law down south..

    Defensive end Odell Willis, 25, has been charged with criminal trespassing after an incident in Carrollton, Ga., in March. The second-year Bomber was charged after a television was taken from an apartment but later returned.

  14. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Good point Andrew. Didn't Winnipeg do the same with Big Buff? I don't think he spent any time behind bars though.


  15. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Nice trade Taman! As long as Taman is in charge here the Riders will be a joke like Winnipeg was with Taman

  16. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Defensive end Odell Willis, King of the SWAG SWAG SWAG in the 2011 CFL season. Didn't we all LOVE SWAG SWAG SWAG ??? lol

  17. Anonymous4/12/2012

    Is this guy worth the headache that he is going to be and already apparently is?


  18. Anonymous4/13/2012

    Taman is just getting roasted in the Winnipeg papers today. Go look if you haven't already
