
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Renos Are Well Underway

Aa you know, Mosaic Stadium is undergoing some renovations to enhance the game day experience for not only this season, but for Grey Cup 2013 and until the new facility is ready to move into. As you can see by this pic, the old girl looks somewhat barren these days.

(picture courtesy Saskatchewan Roughriders)

You can check out more pics by going to


  1. Anonymous4/06/2012

    That doesn't look right. Hope everything is ready to go for the first exhibition game.

  2. Anonymous4/06/2012

    It will be great sitting in a new look Mosaic for a couple of years, but I still don't know if the money being spent is worth it with the new facility coming.


  3. Anonymous4/06/2012

    I still don't understand why the Maxtron is moving to the opposite corner. Why wouldn't you have your scoreboard in the endzone?

  4. Anonymous4/06/2012

    This is a great project. Those opposed to it don't realize the embarassment it could cost the city and the organization when you have the eyes of the nation on you in 2013.

    Mosaic simply can't handle the demands of what's needed right now and this will allow it.

    Thumbs up to Hoppy and the team for having the foresignt to do this.

  5. Anonymous4/06/2012

    Is the secondary scoreboard staying there or is it going to get taken down too?
