
Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Saskie Sinks The Canucks

Sorry Vancouver fans, but I gotta show it. The pride of Yorkton, Melville, Neudorf and wherever else in that area wants to stake claim to him ends the season for the Vancouver Canucks as Jarrett Stoll starts what will be a very intriguing off-season for the team that just can't get it done no matter how hard they try. What happens now? It would seem as if Roberto Luongo's days on the West Coast have come to an end and that the team has passed the torch to Cory Schneider. The Sedins aren't going anywhere, but will Kesler be back next year, will Burrows, will Hamhuis after his season-ending gaffe? I would expect this team to look quite a lot different next year. This team that can do it in the regular season can't get it done in the playoffs and they need to figure out why. Will Alain Vigneault be back? If he's not, I'm guessing he re-surfaces in Montreal.

Another team that needs to blow it up are the San Jose Sharks. Once again, this team proves to be highly disappointing as they bow out to a St. Louis team that was much more talented. That being said, I thought San Jose would give the Blues more of a fight. Patrick Marleau was invisible and needs to go, Joe Pavelski was hanging out with Marleau and Joe Thornton just looks like he would rather be elsewhere. With guys like Logan Couture ready to take the mantle, its time to start pulling weeds there too.

Other thoughts from what was a busy weekend

--I don't care if the Devils don't like it, I like the fact the Florida Panthers are maintaining tradition and throwing plastic rats onto the ice at the end of each game. That's what they did when they lost the Cup final to Colorado years ago.

--Was it just me or was the game a little tamer this weekend after the Raffi Torres suspension was announced?

--Can Hockey Night in Canada please bring in Torres to deliver a headshot to Glenn Healy. He is arguably the worst hockey commentator out there right now. You would think that every shift he played during his career was perfect thus he can criticize everyone else for their mistakes.

--With cup favourites Pittsburgh and Vancouver both out, who are you takin now? I guess we've got to see how these other series pan out but we could be looking at the first seed in each conference being bounced if Ottawa knocks off the Rangers.

--Pittsburgh may have lost, but Jordan Staal could play on my team any day of the week. I love the way he plays the game.

--There are many businesses or places in Regina that could shell out a few dollars to have their parking lots repaved. There are some that are simply in hideous shape.

--Does Carrie Underwood ever sing the national anthem in Nashville?

--I still don't understand why CBC shows the national anthems before each hockey game, but NBC doesn't go for the slice of Americana instead opting for commercials instead of the anthem. That one doesn't make sense.

--I only find it ironic and somewhat laughable that the team I took for the Stanley Cup (Detroit) are the first ones out.

--I believe my prediction of the Western Hockey League final being played at Mosaic Place is also going to be incorrect. With the exception of the 2nd period of Game 2, the Oil Kings have been all over the Warriors. Moose Jaw needs to "bring the noise" Tuesday for Game 3 otherwise Edmonton might go into the final having won 22 in a row. They are at 20 now which is somewhat amazing.

--No slam on the Pats, but how the hell did that team beat Edmonton in all four games this year?

--I realize Morgan Rielly is just coming off injury and is still trying to get his game going, but Griffin Reinhart has outshone Rielly in the battle of the two highly touted draft eligible blueliners in this series.

--There's nothing like spending a good portion of your Saturday in the emergency room. That being said, I don't have really complaints about the service or the wait that was given. I do have one question though....are there any clinics open in Regina on a Saturday? It didn't seem like it when I was checking. If the answer is no, why is that?

--I could really care less about the NBA. All I know is that Oklahoma City and Chicago are the best teams in each conference.

--Am I the only one who just can't look at PJ Stock now after his "Depends" commercial and wonder if he is wearing those when doing his Hockey Night in Canada shtick?

--I love the fact Braden Holtby has a Saskatchewan flag on the back of his mask. He has an Alberta one too being from Lloydminster, but I still love the fact he has the provincial colours on. Speaking of Holtby, if he continues on his progression, can we include him as a possible candidate for Sochi in 2014.

--The US will have Ryan Miller, Tim Thomas, Cory Schneider and Jonathan Quick to choose from amongst others in 2014. I think they beat us in the goaltending area.

--Rider fans on Twitter should follow @bittergainer for some funny tweets from a rodent that seems to be somewhat ticked.

--I wonder if High Impact Wrestler Rex Roberts is fielding phone calls from Cosmo, Chatelaine and other womens mags to be their cover girl after he was wearing a dress following his latest loss in Friday's highly entertaining card at the Victoria Club. The cowboy was finally in an element that he enjoyed. I even offered my hand in good luck to him before the match only to be repelled by his rudeness towards me. Oh well, you get what you deserve!

--Speaking of High Impact, manager "Crazy Horse" would have been a natural in the old Stampede Wrestling days. Guys like J.R Foley (one of the best ever) and Wakamatsu were legends, but Crazy Horse would have fit right in.

--At the start of the season, would you have said the Ottawa Senators would be the last Canadian based team standing. Give a lot of credit to Paul McLean for what this team has done. I think Ken Hitchcock gets the coach of the year honours for what he did in St. Louis after taking over, but McLean's job has been outstanding as well.

--Who was the coach of the Blues at the start of the season? Does anyone remember---even a Blues fan?

--I was over by Mosaic Stadium late last week. I miss football!

--Why is it KFC tastes so much better the next morning?

--My Cubs are going to lose a lot of games this year, but they may not lose as many as the Boston Red Sox. What a greasefire they have been to start the year.

--Mrs. Scruffy complained over the weekend that I never ever take her anyplace expensive. We got into the car and went to the gas station. (Mrs. Scruffy does not approve of the joke or the fact that she was mentioned)

--Another week is underway so strap your helmet on, put two hands on your stick and get out there! Later! Oh yeah, one other thing----thank you Jarrett Stoll. I know you don't go out with Rachel Hunter anymore, but lets pay tribute to you by showing this video of what could have been your wife. I don't think the fellas will mind!


  1. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Keep up the great work Edmonton. 21 straight wins and after sweep of Warriors, 23 straight wins. Congrats on the Eastern WHL Championship 2012 :)

  2. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Good point on Holtby. Fleury may have erased himself from the equation, Luongo and Ward are both getting up there, Dubnyk can't be considered and that leaves Price which isn't exactly that rock solid. We will certainly be outclassed by the Americans in net though.

  3. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Warriors about to be out and the Canucks are out. Good weekend for sure.

  4. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Vancouver and San Jose need to tweak their rosters, but I think the team that needs to really overhaul things is Detroit. Their age really showed against Nashville as they were just beaten up by a younger, rougher group. Datsyuk, Zetterberg and the other forwards were just no match for them and that isn't going to change.


  5. Anonymous4/23/2012

    The single biggest factor in Vancouvers first round loss was Duncan Keith's elbow.

    That said, full marks to the Kings for a great series.

    I don't think Vancouver will 'blow it up', but I think there will be some changes. Kesler leaving town wouldn't be a bad thing provided they can get value in return, and if they can find some to take Lou's bloated contract off their hands for something useful, that would be a bonus.


  6. Anonymous4/23/2012

    As a Kings fan, I love it. No one gave this team a chance all year long and they just kept getting the job done. St. Louis will be tough, but I think they can pull it out.

    I agree with the commenter on Detroit. Its time for an overhaul there.

    I thought MJ would give Edmonton a better run. They might still, but there's no doubt who the better team is to this point.


  7. Anonymous4/23/2012

    By far the worst parking lot for pot holes is at the Sunrise library.

  8. Anonymous4/23/2012

    HA HA HA on the PJ Stock comment!

    The Schmirler leisure centre parking lot might as well be closed and repaved from top to bottom. Its brutal.

    Is it ironic that Hamhuis's embellishment cost them the series?


  9. Anonymous4/23/2012

    One series does not a future make. I think you might be getting a little ahead of yourself on Holtby.

  10. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Rex Roberts in a dress might have been the highlight of the weekend. That or his pre-match banter with you.

  11. Anonymous4/23/2012

    The NBA? That is what exactly. A bunch of thugs that get paid wayyyyyyyy too much money for the sport they play. Just asking.

  12. Anonymous4/23/2012

    Vancouver needs to take a solid look at its team and whether or not some guys still need to be around.

    The Sedins definitely stay. Kesler goes, Raymond goes, Booth can go, Luongo will likely go, Hamhuis can go and so can Salo. That's my two cents.


  13. Anonymous4/23/2012

    You want the worst parking lot in Regina. Hit the gas travelling west from the YMCA Rochdale past the library on way to Barley Mill. If you get up to about 30-40km/hr, you're car will be destroyed within seconds.

  14. Anonymous4/24/2012

    That song is nine years old. I'm guessing the girl is a little hottie in her mid-to-late 20's now. Get Stolly on that! HA HA
