
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend Thoughts

--Did you get up caught up in the Zurich Classic of New Orleans---this week's stop on the PGA Tour. I did. It was great to see Weyburn's Graham DeLaet get some TV time this weekend as he looked for his first victory battling the likes of Ernie Els, Bubba Watson and Luke Donald. He didn't wilt under the pressure, but he couldn't get the putting game going and as a result finished tied for 4th with a score of 16 under. More importantly, he got a cheque for over 280-thousand dollars. He needs to make another 170-thousand to keep his tour card and he has 14 more tournaments to do so. I like his chances. I also like the fact that the Canadian got some air time on American TV this weekend. He was front and center Sunday morning on "The Golf Network" with interviews and everything. The only down part was the starter on the first tee announced him as being from "Sashwan" or "Sasakwan" or something like that. Would it really have hurt the starter to pull Graham aside and ask him how to pronounce it?

--The Riders should send Graham some merchandise and have him wear a couple of golf shirts for future tournaments. What better partnership than having Saskatchewan's product on the PGA Tour representing the /=S=/. Someone can make that happen over at the Rider offices can't they? That would be cool.

--Speaking of the Riders, they are making last second plans for Thursday's CFL draft. I have no clue who they are taking with the number one pick. I know it won't be Tyrone Crawford after he went in the 3rd round of the NFL draft to the Cowboys. That means its between Ben Heenan and Shawmaud Chambers. The Riders have lots of Canadian o-lineman and they have lots of Canadian receiving talent as well. I'm sure Brendan Taman, Alex Smith and whoever will hum and haw about this one until the time comes to make the pick.

--Why is the CFL draft on a Thursday afternoon?

--Why is the WHL bantam draft happening Thursday? The league won't get much press because of the CFL draft.

--Luke Schenn spent virtually all season in the doghouse of the Toronto Maple Leafs, yet he is still considered good enough to play for Team Canada at the World Championships. Ron Wilson destroyed this kid and if he gets the right coach, I still think he can be one of the best young defencemen in the NHL. If the Leafs wanted to make a package for the first overall draft pick and Schenn was a part of it, I would listen if I were the Oilers.

--I don't have a problem with Sidney Crosby skipping out on the World Championships this year after the concussion problems he went through. Some people have ragged on Sid for not going, but they aren't ragging on Jonathan Toews for not going and he has the same excuse. I'm sure both will be ready to go in Sochi in 2014.

--The more these playoffs go on, the more I think I would like to see Mike Richards and Jeff Carter skating for the Stanley Cup against the team that traded them in the off-season.

--The Kings need to go back to their purple and gold unis.

--Nine picks after the Leafs took Jiri Tlusty in the 2006 entry draft, the Flyers took Claude Giroux. OOPS!!! Others that went between those two include Riku Helenius (Tampa Bay), Ty Wishart (San Jose), Mark Mitera (Anaheim). I repeat, OOPS!!! For what its worth, the Oilers didn't have a first round selection in that draft.

--Since Marty Brodeur came into the NHL, he has reportedly played Philly with 15 different goalies. A friend of mine and myself tried naming those goalies on Sunday. We didn't come close. We had Hextall, Bryzgalov, Bobrovsky, Biron, Boucher, Esche, Leighton and Hackett. On my way home from watching the game at his place, I remembered the ever famous Roman Cechmanek. Who are we missing?

--Can someone tell me exactly what David Legwand was thinking on that one Phoenix goal last night. Holy brain cramp!

--That massive investment by the L-A Angels of Anaheim on Albert Pujols isn't exactly paying any early dividends is it? The Angels start combined with Texas's start may make it too tough for the Angels to catch up and we are just wrapping up the first month of the season.

--I guess I'll watch the Jays game tonight to check out Texas Ranger pitching sensation Yu Darvish. Is he everything that he is made out to be? He has shown signs that he could be. Yu meet Bautista!

--When I get to be his age, I want to have Buck Martinez's hair. Who's kidding who, I'd take that now and I'm in my mid 40's.

----I can't help but wonder if Colin Thatcher sent any text messages to Mark Stobbe this weekend? Rumour has it Thatcher was at the Rider workout in Moose Jaw this week.

--The NFL Network's Mike Mayock had the greatest line this weekend when talking about a linebacker (can't remember the name) during the draft on Saturday. Mayock said when talking about the guy---there's only one weakness I could find on this kid, but it was a big one. He's allergic to contact!

--The NFL Network also started unveiling its top 100 players of 2012 this weekend and Regina's own Jon Ryan was not ranked 90-100. I'm sure the Seahawks punter has to be higher ranked don't you? Its either that or he was ranked at 101!

--How many Division 1 schools in the US were beaten by the U of R Rams when it came to players taken in the NFL draft? I know they had just as many as Tennessee. I don't know about you, but I really hope to see Akiem Hicks having a major role with the Saints defence this year and having the talking heads talk about Regina and Saskatchewan and the CIS as a whole.

--Point discussed on the weekend---How many U of S Huskies have made the CFL in recent years? How many U of R Rams have made it? The Huskies may be winning more games, but the Rams are putting more players in the pros it would seem. In fact, the only three Huskies that I know of who were on CFL rosters last year (and I know I'm probably missing a couple) were Dylan Barker (retired), Scott Flory, Grant Shaw and Jade Etienne. That just adds to the debate as to who has the better program?

--True of false, there is someone connected to the Regina Pats on every one of the four remaining Western Conference teams in the Stanley Cup playoffs. The answer would be true---Derek Morris (Phoenix), Barry Trotz (Nashville), Barret Jackman (St. Louis) and Anze Kopitar (L-A), Yes, the Pats took Kopitar in the import draft, but he ended up going straight to L-A. If the Kings had sent him back to junior, he would have been on his way to Regina. I guess when push comes to shove, you could add Martin Hanzal's name on that list as well as the Pats took him as well, but his agent didn't want him coming to Regina for whatever reason so his rights went to Red Deer.

--So let me get this straight, Quebec students are paying the less of any student in Canada when it comes to tuition and yet they are protesting in the streets because of a tuition hike that will still leave them far behind other provinces. Does this make sense to you? Like I said when Vancouver was hit by the riots---I have just one word. Watercannons!

--John Cena beat Brock Lesnar??

--Thank you Kaley Cuoco for posting bikini pictures of yourself on vacation on Twitter. I don't think I am the only man to say that.

--I learned on the weekend that I apparently break the "bro" code when I send an emoticon to another guy in a text. Is that really against the code? If so, I'm sorry!

--Where can I find a "giggity band" in Regina. If you didn't watch Family Guy last night, you have no idea what I'm talking about.

--I wrap up this posting with this story. I have nothing to say on it except you poor bastard.

--Have a good Monday!


  1. Anonymous4/29/2012

    Super idea about DeLaet wearing a Rider golf shirt. He should have a dozen of them.

  2. Anonymous4/30/2012

    So if Regina is putting more players in the pro’s but Saskatchewan has been winning more, then wouldn’t that just mean that Regina has attracted some better athletes but the coaching has been better at Saskatchewan?

  3. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Pocket crest on a golfer's shirt is prime real estate for sponsorship in the PGA - and DeLaet's not about to give that away to the Riders so he can show everyone who his favourite CFL team is.

    I'm sure if the Riders made a fair offer to the business entity that is "Graham DeLaet Inc", they could have their logo prominently displayed on his wardrobe.

  4. leave it to mitch to dig up the "hard " storys

  5. DeLaet picked up 16,000.oo the week before and he has cashed one other time this year so I am assuming he need about 140,000.00 to keep his card

  6. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Add Ken Wregget to that list.


  7. Anonymous4/30/2012

    DeLaet didn't have any sponsorship on his golf shirt. It wouldn't hurt the Riders to send him some and perhaps give him a little money to wear it as well. It would be great marketing. The province should do the same thing seeing he goes all over the world. What a great ambassador!


  8. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Mitch Mitch Mitch...You missed GENO!

    S'toon Todd

  9. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Send Delaet a bunch of caps too.

  10. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Your Huskies/Rams argument can be reversed with Pats/Blades. The Blades have had more pros lately (Green, Holtby, Elliott) but yet they don't have the winning records of the Pats!

  11. WHOOPS!! Me bad.

    Thanks Todd.

    He arguably is the top of the ladder when it comes to Huskie alumni.

  12. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Mitch, cuz I had some time...
    13 Huskie alums were active in 2011 - Barker-Ham, Kelly Bates(he did play!)- BC, Bell - Sask, Brown - Mon/Ham, Flory - Mon, Geno-Sask, Mchenry- WPG Neufeld-sask, Rempel-Tor, Rohlert - Ham, Shaw - Tor, Woldu - Mon, Etienne - WPG

    There were 6 Ram alums Labatte Getz Bauman Clarmont George Huges

    From 1999 (Rams first cis year) they have had 12 players go to the cfl, the huskies have had 23 (19 since 2002 when the first ram was drafted)

    P.S. I do not live in my mom's basement and have a lot of time, but rather am chilling out for a 5 hour layover in Calgary...

    S'toon Todd

  13. Anonymous4/30/2012

    3 more for Rams - Heshem, Huchins and Sisco plus 1 in the NFL


  14. Anonymous4/30/2012

    U of S has a better academic program so alot of players from there are not going the football route and starting their work career.

    When you graduate from the U of R, you get to go work at.....Tim's maybe if you are lucky

    MS (U of R grad)

  15. While Delaet wearing Rider's merchandise is a good idea, he has a signed clothing agreement with SLIGO so that might not work. I would like to point out that Scruffy felt the need to talk about a local kid doing big things on the sports scene while Pederson spoke about more relevant topics to Saskatchewan residents like the measures being taken to increase security at the Summer Olympics.

  16. Anonymous4/30/2012

    CBS didn't give delaet enough air time to warrant adverising. For being in the final pairing, they gave more air time to players below him. Being canadian, it was frustrating to watch.


  17. Anonymous4/30/2012

    You can only think of 3 huskies that play in the CFL? The Riders have 5 huskies on their current roster! And that's not including Geno!

    Maybe you need to stop watching so much wrestling and pay a bit more attention to real sports.

    Fred Norris

  18. Anonymous4/30/2012

    God bless Kaley Cuoco!

  19. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Take a look at starters and not 2nd string guys and I think the Rams win hands down. Shame on you for missing Geno though!


  20. Anonymous4/30/2012


    Woldu, Neufeld and Bell equals 3 on Riders roster not 5.

  21. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Many Rams and many Huskies means this province id putting out good players regardless of their school. Add the Thunder and Hilltops and you get a few more. Thank Football Sask for that.


  22. Anonymous4/30/2012

    McHenry and Bodnar (played for both so I guess he's a wash)

    Fred Norris

  23. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Don't forget the billboard pads of Garth Snow....

  24. Anonymous4/30/2012

    It was great watching DeLaet play yesterday. Hope to see more of it. Tell RP he needs to make him a guest on the cage.

  25. Anonymous4/30/2012

    The Blades have had much more success than the Pats both in record and players sent to the pros.

    Greg in Stoon

  26. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Riders sponsoring DeLaet is a great idea!


  27. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Mr. Morin,

    Can you read? Go check out Rod's blog again (as if you have anything better to do!), and then enjoy a nice, hot cup of STFU!

    Mutant hater

  28. Mutant Hater,

    Read Pederson's blog on Sunday and tell me where you find any mention of Delaet. In terms of Saskatchewan sports, there was nothing bigger this weekend than him, but there is no mention whatsoever. But I am sure that the province was really intersted in learning how the City of London plans to deal with Olympic Security in three months!
    I was giving Scruffy credit for talking about Sask. relevant content. I did not ask for your opinion, nor do I need it. In saying that I will not drink a hot cup of STFU, but rather would suggest you stick to commenting on something when you have relevant comment to make.

  29. Anonymous4/30/2012

    One of the best Family Guys ever last nite. Quagmire spooning with Peter......priceless!

  30. 75flyersbestteamever4/30/2012

    Your inquiry about Marty B's recollection of Flyer goalies is slightly off...instead of the 15 he thinks he has faced, their have been 26 goalies since Marty started in goes the list ..Dominic Rousell, Hextal, Wregget, Tommy Soderstrom, Stephane Beauregard, Frederic Chabot, Snow, Burke, the Beezer, Jean-Marc Pelletier and Jeremy Duchesne, Johan Backlund plus Martin Houle came up for cup of coffee too...going on Boucher, Maxime Oulette, Neil Little, Roman Cechmanek, Robert Esche, Antero Niitimaki, Jeff Hackett, Marty Biron, Michael Leighton, Ray Emery, Boucher,and finish with Bobrovsky and Ilya "the universeis big" bryzgalov..(gotta love google) but hate my life for taking the time to look it up...somewhere Kate Smith is wanting a little help with the wins from this position.

  31. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Do a google search on the Bro Code or watch How I Met Your Mother.

  32. Anonymous4/30/2012

    Mr Blair, keep up the good work....I am increasingly reading your blog and that is not a shot at anyone, just a compliment. Between you and RP, you cover most of what I want to read about!

  33. Anonymous4/30/2012

    75: Marty B didn't play against all those goalies. He was talking about Flyer goalies that he has played. There was an article in what I think was a Philly paper talking about it this weekend.
