
Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Was Ron McLean Thinking? (UPDATE with Apology)

Hockey Night in Canada host Ron McLean is usually not the person creating controversy, but he is today. This intro in which he compares hockey players to first responders at 9/11 is not going over well and understandably so. If you missed it, here it is.....

As expected, the CBC and McLean issued a statement this morning. Here it is


  1. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Thats embarassing. What was he thinking?

  2. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Ron has made some stupid analogies before, but he took the cake on this one. I had to rewind it to make sure I heard it right. Not one of his better moments


  3. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Not very well thought out and even worse execution, but it's hardly a contoversy. He wasn't deliberately being disrespectful in my opinion.


  4. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Has to start somewhere? So game 6 in a 2012 hockey series is deemed to be that place? Good Lord, get a grip man.

  5. Anonymous5/10/2012

    I'd like to know whether he wrote that or was just reading what someone else wrote off of a telestrator. It seemed to me that by the time he was half way through he could already tell that it did not sound good at all.

    Just courious

  6. Anonymous5/10/2012

    I don't think Ron meant to offend anyone and that it just came out wrong. Lets just take a step back here. I think we have all said something at one time or another that came out the wrong way. Granted, we aren't as high profile as Ron, but lets just back up a little.

  7. Anonymous5/10/2012

    I watched the Game last night and when I heard that my ears perked up, but he says you would have to be CRAZY to compare the 2. He was just making a point about how hard they are playing. NO different then when players, coaches, media, fans talk about going to BATTLE or WAR. Those words are used all the time. MIKE Hammer (Lets Go RANGERS)

  8. Anonymous5/10/2012

    I'm guessing Ron had an appointment with CBC brass this morning and that an apology will be coming on Saturday night.


  9. Anonymous5/10/2012

    In listening to this, it does seem as if he stops and questions it near the end. Did he write this himself or did some CBC flak write it?

  10. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Am I missing something? Listened to it twice and I hear nothing wrong at all with what he said?

  11. 75flyersbestteamever5/10/2012

    After reading Maclean's book I got the idea that he has a pretty "confident disposition" and believes his journalistic pedigree ranks up their with Bob Costas, Joe Buck, Stephen Brunt or any other the heavy hitters.
    Ron probably felt this was Pulitzer prize winning stuff (or at least Gemini nomination worthy.)
    I would love to hear some of the razzing Grapes is giving him today following the reaction.
    He needs a little Crow once in a while to remind him he's Don's sidekick
