
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Latest From Riderville

Mother Nature was kind to those watching Rider practice this morning. She held off on the rain until after practice was over which was appreciative I'm sure to all who were there.

Center Dominic Picard wrenched his back during a drill late in practice and had ice on it when all was said and done. Coach Chamblin could not give an update when we spoke to him.

Chris Getzlaf did not practice because of what Chamblin is a kink in his neck. Getzlaf did not take part in the Moose Jaw workout on Monday either. The coach doesn't believe it is that serious.

I asked Chamblin how much we can expect to see the starters Friday night against Calgary and he responded by saying they would play into the third quarter. Chamblin also said there are some positions that are still open and will be figured out after the performance of some on Friday.

You can hear what Chamblin had to say for yourself right here......

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