
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Relax! Get Off The Ledge.

The opening performance of the 2012 Saskatchewan Roughriders has left many with a sour taste in their mouth this morning. It was not a good night for Chamblin's crew as you will see in the story written for Riderville.


  1. Anonymous6/14/2012

    Let's just say that decisions regarding cuts should be rather straightforward.

  2. Anonymous6/14/2012

    Whats with BC's coach running fake punts and running up the score?

  3. Anonymous6/14/2012

    This game was ugly. Suitor said something on the broadcast about not being able to evaluate because they weren't on the field long enough. That isn't the case defensively. Some vets (Williams, TJack)may be told their services are no longer needed after that one.


  4. Anonymous6/14/2012

    Durant needs to be better. Yes, his o-line was porous, but he needs to make a play. I was worried about this year before last night and my fears aren't alleviated any after what I saw.

  5. Anonymous6/14/2012

    Chamblin thought Heenan played well? I wonder what he will say after looking at the tapes!

  6. Anonymous6/14/2012

    The Riders would be ill-advised to "Free Willy"

  7. Anonymous6/14/2012

    There's got to be some way we can blame this on Ken Miller!!!

  8. Anonymous6/14/2012

    Did anyone take the time realize that the Lions didn't play their 1st team guys either. We were awful much like we were last year. Anyone who thinks this management group will get the job done is wearing glasses tinted deep deep rose colour. This is the ghost of Bombers past, with a year extension which will undoubtedly end up being paid out.

  9. Anonymous6/14/2012

    I would rather have the Riders look "awful" in the 1st pre-season game than at the end of the season.
    Blair is right...get off the ledge, the sky is not falling and the Riders will win some games this year. Cut them a little slack people. The Riders have a rookie head coach and new coaching team and a fair number of turn-overs in players. Do you not think it will take more than a few weeks of practice to "gel"????

  10. What a bunch of LOSERS! Most of the people that write into the comments section here % on Rod's blog. You can all go ahead & fall on your swords now!!!!!!!!!!!
