
Monday, June 11, 2012

Short and Sweet

Yes, that title could be a description of yours truly from the ladies oh so many years ago, but it would more aptly describe today's Rider practice which was extremely short. Perhaps that shouldn't be surprising after the team went at it last nite at Mosaic Stadium, but they were out there for less than an hour today.

Darian Durant will start the game at quarterback as coach Corey Chamblin wants him to get some reps under new offensive co-ordinator Bob Dyce's scheme. Established vets like Dressler, Getzlaf, Frazier, Patrick won't play. Odell Willis won't play either as he is still on probation while Sinorice Moss won't play because of a slight groin injury. O-lineman Brendan Labatte will also sit this one after a minor Achilles injury suffered last night.

Here's what Coach Chamblin had to say.....

The team is also down to four quarterbacks. They announced this afternoon Colt Brennan has been released.


  1. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Playing Durant is a mistake if you ask me. Why not play guys that have no CFL experience and give them the reps that you need to see if they can play the game or not. The fact guys like Dressler and Getzlaf aren't playing means Durant doesn't have his number one offence around him anyhow.

  2. Anonymous6/11/2012

    How bad is the Labatt injury?

  3. Anonymous6/11/2012

    Why not let the other QB's show what they can bring to the table. We know what Durant can do. Give him a half at home next week so that he's ready.

  4. Anonymous6/11/2012

    The Willis saga continues. I get the feeling this guy will just be one constant headache all year long.

  5. Anonymous6/12/2012

    I wonder if we could trade Willis and Taman back to Winnipeg for some Gaterade.

  6. RiderRoger6/17/2012

    Colt Brennan was pathetic with a capital P. Funny how he came in with this entitlement attitude and didn't even make it to the first preseason game! lol
