
Friday, July 13, 2012

Stadium News Coming

Regardless of the final score tomorrow, Rider fans may leave Mosaic Stadium in a good mood.

Details are being kept very quiet, but Mayor Pat Fiacco, Premier Brad Wall and Riders president/CEO Jim Hopson will be making what is called a "major" announcement just prior to kickoff at 1 o'clock when the Riders take on the Lions.


  1. Anonymous7/13/2012

    Good mood?? I'm going to leave Mosaic tomorrow knowing my property tax is probably going up by double digits to help pay for somethign that we don't need. How there can be thoughts of a new facility when we can't even sell out the one we have now is stupid.

    This whole thing has been botched beyond repair.

  2. Anonymous7/13/2012

    To anon #1

    You people from Regina are unbelievable, I would imagine you're also opposed the retiring Eberle's number.


  3. A comment like #1 doesn't mean anything because its anonymous !


  4. Anonymous7/14/2012

    We don't need? If we want to keep our CFL team for our children to grow up watching and other city events we need a need stadium. mstf is not going to last much longer.

  5. Anonymous7/14/2012

    Great day for the province, and for all the tax whiners... if you dont like it, move! Ill make sure to stand at the new Lewvan overpass waiving good bye to ya!

  6. Typical narrow minded opinion that has been this province's downfall the past few decades! If you don't like the progress some people are trying to make for themselves, I hope you move out of the province tomorrow. And don't let the door hit you on your ass on you're way out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous7/14/2012

    I will support this new stadium when they tell me it will be 100% privately funded. With the City of Regina pension plan running a $293M deficit and the province yanking $8M and killing the film industry in the province, you can't convince me that public money should go to this project.

    Darin Lanigan

  8. I am suspecting that the whole thing is going to be a go since I am sure that the premier, Hopson, Fiacco and other people want to state to 30,000 Rider fans that the stadium is a no-go.

  9. Anonymous7/14/2012

    And the CFL Commish flew into Regina last night also.
