
Monday, August 27, 2012

A New Face And Another Meeting

The Riders were back practicing this morning as they get ready for Sunday's showdown against the Bombers at Mosaic Stadium. There was a new face at camp. The team has indeed brought in (as I tweeted yesterday) former Calgary and Winnipeg linebacker Joe Lobendahn.

Head Coach Corey Chamblin had the following statements....

---This is a good football team. There are one or two things that are being done wrong and thats the difference between being 3-5 and 5-3. They have to be disciplined in more areas and that players have to make plays

---I shouldn't have to rip into them to get going. Whether they be a young team or an old team, they have to be self-motivated and that they understand this is a job and not a pre-school playground.

---This players meeting is something that should have been done weeks ago.
---There is no divide between coaches and players.
---Joe Lobendahn is a middle linebacker and Shomari may be better used as an outside linebacker

Chamblin mentioned a players only meeting. That is what was called by Darian Durant once practice was over. Durant would not say what was said in that meeting.


  1. Anonymous8/27/2012

    That line about being self-motivated sounds soooooo Greg Marshall. Don't like it! First thing about Chamblin that has worried me.

  2. Anonymous8/27/2012

    The coaching staff is just realizing now that Shomari would be better served outside than in the middle??? What a revelation! Its something the fan base has said for 6 weeks. DUHHHHHH!!!!

  3. Anonymous8/27/2012

    Oh good, another ex-Bomber is in town!
