
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rider Injuries

Bad news for the Riders when it comes to linebacker Abraham Kromah. The rookie, who was leading the team in tackles, has been placed on the nine game injury list with a broken leg. The injury happened in BC on Sunday.

Receiver Jordan Sisco is also on the nine game list after breaking his wrist in the same game.

The team has signed former Winnipeg receiver Aaron Hargreaves.


  1. Anonymous8/22/2012

    AAAAAARRRRRGHHHHH!!! Thats terrible news on Kromah. He was great!

    Was Hargreaves in Edmonton too?

  2. Anonymous8/22/2012

    Kromah's loss is a tough one.
    Sisco's doesn't concern me. The guy has never blossomed the way I thought he would. It might be time to cut wood with him.

  3. Anonymous8/22/2012

    I guess it would be too much to ask Jerrell Freeman to come back. That isn't happening from what I'm hearing either.

  4. Anonymous8/22/2012

    Why the need to get Hargraves when Bamba is around? I dom't understand that one.


  5. Anonymous8/22/2012

    If the Riders knew Sisco was hurt after the BC game, why not go out and sign someone like Ken-Yon Rambo instead of letting Toronto get him? Cmon Taman, what are you doing?


  6. Mike from Vita, MB8/22/2012

    Rambo is an import; Hargreaves is a NON-import. Sisco is a NON-import. Is Bamba a NON- Import?

    Wonder if Kye Stewart or Byron Bullock are available?

  7. Anonymous8/22/2012

    Sisco's career is over, the guy is a bigger fraud in the CFL than ex Argo Cory Boyd was .
