
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Soccer Semi FallOut

Canadians are outraged today after yesterday's controversial win by the USA in the semi-finals of the womens soccer event at the London Olympics. Soccer's world body, FIFA, is now apparently looking into comments made after the game by some Canadian players. The story can be seen here.


  1. Anonymous8/07/2012

    FIFA should pull this so-called ref aside and sanction her for the terrible job that was done yesterday. The comments after do represent some sour grapes, but this was a game that was decided by officiating.


  2. Anonymous8/07/2012

    Moments after the hardest loss they've ever endured and there telling the truth with their comments, and there gonna be punished? CMON MAN!

  3. Mike from Vita, MB8/07/2012

    Time to get rid of on field officials. All decisions should be made by someone watching a tv screen. Yes I'm being sarcastic! Kidding aside, good teams don't let the officials have an influence in the outcome of a game. Win the game outright and the officials play no part.
