
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Riders Economic Impact

The Saskatchewan Roughriders today released updated details on the team’s impact on the provincial economy.

• Over the next 30 years, the Saskatchewan Roughriders will generate over $2.85 billion in provincial economic impact.

• Regular season games will generate over $82 million each year. This $82m per year in economic impact generates over $14m in taxes each year, which equates to $420m over the next 30 years.

• 2013 Grey Cup game and festival to generate over $123 million in provincial economic Impact

Hosting a Grey Cup has significant economic impact on Regina, exceeding the economic impact of a full regular season of home games. This result is due to the large number of visiting spectators, their extended stay, and the extra organization and extraordinary setup costs involved with hosting the Grey Cup game and the Grey Cup Festival which has impact for months prior to the game itself. In years with a near sold-out season and the hosting of the Grey Cup, total economic impact to the province exceeds $200 million.

“Based on the input of information provided by the Riders, and using the STEAM model created by the Conference Board of Canada, a Rider home game regular season would generate an industry output of $82,716,931 which would support $28,846,226 in wages and salaries which is the equivalent of 424 full time jobs. This includes the generation of over $14,000,000 in municipal, provincial and federal taxes. In addition to the economic impact, there is also a degree of social and cultural impact due to the pride and loyalty of fans and the world-wide media attention our Riders receive. This attention increases the perception and awareness of Regina and Saskatchewan which can increase visitation throughout the year.”

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