
Monday, September 10, 2012

Something To Mitch About

In the words of famous baseball broadcaster Jack Buck " I don't believe what I just saw". The Riders stole the Banjo Bowl on Sunday thanks to the stupidity of new Bombers coach Tim Burke. What the hell was he thinking? You know the story by now. Burke elected to forsake a 43 yard field goal by having Mike Renaud punt instead. It was hoped Renaud would put the ball out of bounds inside the 10 and make it much more difficult for the Riders to stage a game winning drive. Renaud punted the ball through the endzone and backup Drew Willy got the ball in position for Sandro De Angelis to win it for an incomprehensible 25-24 win. Burke admitted after the game he made the wrong decision. NO KIDDING!!

If Justin Palardy makes the field goal, the Bombers win the football game as there wouldn't have been enough time. If he doesn't, then the Bombers are in the situation that Renaud put them in. What a head-scratcher!

Just some other thoughts

--If you are the Bombers, would you rather lose that way or 52-0. Talk about a kick in the junk
--Drew Willy showed he can run the Riders offence, but he still showed he was a rookie with some of the things he did. I know his performance will have the Durant haters suggesting a change be made at QB. It won't happen. However, Rider fans--Durant haters or not---should be feeling good knowing that if Durant is out for a while, the offence is in good hands.
--Bob Dyce has taken his fair share of heat this year, but he drew up an excellent game plan for Willy yesterday and had the rookie pivot in good spots
--Brendon LaBatte was a monster out there yesterday.
--Some people didn't agree with me, but I thought the Rider defence was guilty of shoddy tackling again at times yesterday. What they weren't guilty of was unleashing some ferocious hits and the same goes for the Bombers D.
--Winnipeg wins that game with Paul Lapolice in charge

Next up is Montreal and they will be in a snarly mood after losing to BC on Saturday. We will see if Durant plays or not. The Alouettes are tough at home and back to back roadies out east aren't kind, but this team has started to build some momentum.

By all accounts, the first home game of the Regina Rage was a success. There were about 23 hundred there, but I had several accounts from people saying they were thoroughly enjoyed, that the electricity inside the building was nothing like funeral-like Pats games and that these women enjoy being hit and getting hit. One telling me that he didn't think it would be as intense as it was. Its an uphill climb for the ladies, but they look to have gotten started on the right foot.

A thank you needs to be mentioned on this blog and that is to Uber Rider fan Rick Gallinger (Ricky G). He is the business of fixing up computers and mine was in some need of fixing up. It took a while longer than we both thought it would, but the old girl is running as if it were brand new. There are still some things that aren't right with it, but its working and that's the main thing. Thanks Rick! Much appreciated and the bill was a drop in the pan compared to what others might charge.

Remember the days when you would get charged if you returned a video to the store without rewinding it first.


Of course for many (including me), Sunday was also the start of the NFL season and oh yeah, you know I (and many others) were waiting for this. If there is a hotter 44 year old than Faith Hill out there, I have yet to meet her. The intros just keep getting better and better. I didn't get to see a lot of Week 1 of the NFL because of the Rider game and some health concerns, but I did see a few things.

--Mike Vick is a trainwreck in Philly. Despite throwing 4 INTS, the Eagles still won though.
--Memo to Pete Carroll: The regular season is a different animal. Matt Flynn has regular season experience so if he isn't hurt, make him the Seahawks starting QB. Russell Wilson showed he isn't ready when the lights come on and the game means something.
--The NFL needs to make a deal with their referees pronto. Good god, these guys are making CFL refs look palatable.
--The decision to start Toby Gerhart in fantasy football because of Adrian Peterson was a huge mistake. I didn't think A-P would play as much as he did. OOPS!!
--That 49ers defence is outstanding
--What was with the Jets??? Oh wait, they were playing the Bills.
--RG3...nice debut!!
--How about this from former Rider linebacker Jerrell Freeman. JFree making an impact right off the bat. GREAT!!

Just a couple of other things

He didn't qualify for the PGA Tour Championship, but Saskatchewan should be very proud of Graham DeLaet for the season he put forth. The Weyburn native is starting to become a name on Tour and the future looks bright. Great stuff!!

Lung infections suck!

A huge congratulations to all who took part in the annual Queen City marathon yesterday. I know a lot of people that ran one of the distances and I say well done to all. This asthmatic soul would likely die 500 yards in. Doug Russell and his crew have turned this event into one of Regina's best and while all competitors should be saluted, so should Doug and his hard working group.

Another season of "Locker Talk"--Regina's only one hour local sports program profiling the amateur athletes that make up this great sporting community gets up and rolling again tonight with the gruff, but lovable and still somehow single Pete Paczko once again hosting with me in the co-hosts chair. The first show tapes tonight and will run tomorrow. As the kids say---check your local listings.

If you are a fan of Jennifer Love Hewitt, check out her new show "The Client List". It came on after the Global News on Saturday night and Mrs. Scruffy decided to watch. Lets just say that even though I didn't go to the lingerie football game, I had my share of seeing women (particularly JLH) in lingerie.

Have a solid Monday. If you went to Winnipeg this weekend, I hope you've recovered and I hope you've got the day off!

(Sandro De Angelis pic courtesy of Winnipeg Sun)

(Lingerie Football League photo courtesy of Lingerie Football League)


  1. Thanks for the promotion Mitch. And let me know what isn't right with the computer and we can figure out a time that I can make it right. No extra charge.

  2. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Great pic of Sandro!! I wonder what he's saying. HA HA HA

  3. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Once Palardy gave the Bombers the lead I didn't think there was any way the Riders win that game. What a colossal brainfart from Burke. Looks good on them!


  4. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Losing 52-0 is just embarassing. Losing like that just rips your heart out. The Bombers can start building towards next year after that one.


  5. Anonymous9/10/2012

    The Bombers just have to be waiting for this season to end so they can clean house and start over. What a disaster! I agree with Perry. Losing like that yesterday just rips your heart out unlike a 52-0 beatdown.


  6. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Mitchy, Mitchy, Mitchy What happened to your Seahawks? The Cardinals?? BAD!!!

  7. Anonymous9/10/2012

    If the fg was good we have a few options that could have helped us out, we could have kicked to Winnipeg (inside kick to get the ball on the 55 with no time off the clock) we could have had Winnipeg kick to us and try to return it, (clock starts when our returner touches the ball) or lastly we could have taken it on the 35 and done what we did, with one difference... We needed a td!

    Not a 'stupid' play if it would have worked, a kicker shouldn't miss his target by 20 yards deep and about ten yards wide!

    S'toon Todd

  8. Anonymous9/10/2012

    There is no 44 year old on the planet hotter than Faith Hill. Those legs are something else!


  9. Anonymous9/10/2012

    Burke didn't sound pleased with Renaud when it was over. I'm guessing his days in the Peg could be short.

  10. Anonymous9/11/2012

    When they sent the punt team out, I thought a fake punt was maybe their idea. If it works, we lose.
    Go Riders.
