
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chamblin Updates Injuries

It was the first of what will be many cool days at Mosaic Stadium as the Riders started getting ready for their Thanksgiving Day Monday game in Toronto against the Argos.

Riders communication man Ryan Pollock was wearing a toque, the Leader-Post's Ian Hamilton was bundled up as was Global's Warren Woods while Rod Pedersen mocked us all as he was wearing shorts. That made Rob Vanstone ask Rod when frostbite will set in as to which he replied "You will be begging for a day like this in January". I had to remind him that we won't be watching the Riders practice in January and that his deck may be missing a few cards.

Head Coach Corey Chamblin had some good news/bad news when it comes to Jock Sanders. The good news is Sanders does not have a torn ACL as was believed when he crumpled to the turf Saturday night against the Lions. The bad news is Sanders is likely done for the rest of the season with what the coach is calling a severely hyperextended left knee.

Keith Shologan and Brent Hawkins didn't practice. I would say Sholo will probably be ready to go on Monday as he was out in civvies, but I don't know about Hawkins. Milt Collins was also back on the field and could be in the lineup on Monday in Toronto. Collins hurt his shoulder on the same play where Arland Bruce III suffered a concussion.

Linebacker Abraham Kromah was also on the field. You may remember he broke his leg several weeks ago. He wasn't practicing much, but perhaps he is starting to get ready to take his spot in the lineup before the end of the season.

Time for some hot chocolate and then hit the road to join Rod (if hypothermia didn't set in) and Lynch on Wednesday's "Sportscage".

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