
Monday, November 12, 2012

Something To "Mitch" About

Romby Bryant breaks the heart of the Rider Nation as he hauls in a pass from Drew Tate giving the Stampeders a wild 36-30 win over the Riders ending their season. I thought the Riders were dead when they fell down by 10, but they showed me something in the 4th quarter. Sadly, the defense showed me something that I and many others have seen wayyyyyyy too many times before. Here are some thoughts on yet another soul-crushing defeat at MacMahon Stadium

--The game was lost in the dying seconds, but in reality, the end of the first half is where you can start pointing fingers. That was inexcusable. Those that say the convert should be abolished can't argue that the play is automatic after the Sandro De Angelis convert turned into a safety touch. That and the field goal that Rene Paredes kicked moments later just can't  happen at any time much less a playoff game. Take those points away and the Riders could have milked the clock down to zero and kicked a game-winning field goal.

--Do not pin this one on Darian Durant. He was magnificent on the afternoon throwing for 400 plus yards and four touchdowns. Durant should be getting all the glory heaped on him today for his effort but he will not.

--Can someone please explain to me how two officials are standing right there and see Jabari Arthur push Eddie Russ to the ground before catching his first half touchdown. Yes, Russ appears to be losing his footing, but Arthur still propels him to the ground. How is this not pass interference? I guess you could say the football gods took a Calgary touchdown away on a bad offensive pass interference call on Marquay MacDaniel, but still. That was a terrible non-call by the stripes.

--When did the ghost of Nick Graham invade Terrell Maze?

--Did Drew Tate actually go through the concussion protocol? His statement to Farhan Lalji that he didn't remember the first half after a helmet-to-helmet hit certainly raised some eyebrows. The Stamps say he did. Is there a CFL person responsible for witnessing this? I don't care if its Calgary or the Riders, a player needs to go through the protocol and there needs to be a CFL official there to say it has happened. If it did, it did, but do we know?

--Greg Carr had his best game as a Rider and gives some promise for 2013 as to what he might be able to do.

--If there was one word to describe the Riders this year, what would it be? I want to say underachieving but I don't know if that's a fair label to attach to them. Go ahead and fire away!

--The core of this team is strong...Durant, Sheets, Dressler, Picard, Labatte, Shologan, Lobendahn, Maze, (I know I'm forgetting some guys) and they will be a much better team in 2013. At least I think they will be.

Other thoughts

--If you don't like gruesome injuries, don't watch the highlight where Edmonton quarterback Matt Nichols breaks his leg. Its not pretty!! That was one of the ugliest ones I've seen

--Do you think Ricky Ray went to bed with a smile on his face?

--When is the last time a professional sports team in Toronto won a playoff game? Seriously! I don't know the answer to that but I have to believe its the Leafs.

--East Regina needs a movie theatre complex.

--If you liked 80's video games, go see "Wreck It Ralph", its a good flick and its one the whole family can enjoy.

---Three construction projects are happening in this city and I still don't know what is going up. 1) Albert and 12th where the old Coronet Theatre once stood 2) Broad Street just south of the Shoppers Drug Mart and 3) the old Bonanza on Albert Street. Can anyone help me?

--The old Blockbuster and Rogers video stores in East Regina will soon have new businesses in them. The Blockbuster is going to be a Five Guys burger joint while Factory Optical will go in where Rogers was. However, the south Blockbuster remains empty. Surely, something can move in there. That would be a great location for a sports bar.

--Congrats to former Regina mayor Pat Fiacco who is now the top dog at Tourism Saskatchewan. Methinks Saskatchewan's profile will be ramped up over the next few years. It was asked of me a couple of weeks ago if Pat could be Jim Hopson's replacement when Jim's time as Rider prez and CEO comes to an end. I don't know if that would interest Pat or not, but its an interesting thought.

--Why is it other Major league teams are announcing managerial hires and the Blue Jays still haven't decided on one. What's the hold-up?? Speaking of which, when are the Regina Red Sox going to name a new manager and when will the Regina Thunder name their new head coach.

--Seeing Texas A and M beat Alabama on Saturday was sweet. I am not a Nick Saban fan!

--I had a feeling the Saints would beat the Falcons at the Superdome

--All this talk of Matt Ryan, Peyton Manning or JJ Watt being the NFL MVP is fine, but have those who talk NFL 24/7 forgotten about Adrian Peterson. The guy is unreal and when you consider he had his knee blow up at the end of last season makes this season all that more remarkable.

--If the Seahawks could ever play on the road the way they do at home, they would be tough to beat.

--I'm in a Survivor league and many of the people in the league took San Francisco to win this week. They didn't win, but they didn't lose either so would you say those that took the Niners are still in or out. I say the rules stipulate you pick the team to win and they didn't so you are out.

--The Regina Rams gave it their all on Saturday in the Hardy Cup, but Calgary was just too much for them. The Rams defense simply just couldn't give any more.

--I would hate to think Marc Mueller's football career is over on-the-field, but sadly I believe it is. I wonder if it would be had Mueller gone to school in the U-S.

--Did U of R sports information director Braden Konschuh give a roster to TSN's Rod Black on Saturday and if so, did he lose it? Was it just me or did Black have no clue as to who some Rams were.

--If Rams d-lineman Ryan Wellman has indeed been placed on the Rider neg list as has been rumoured, the green and white have themselves a keeper. I don't know if Wellman is big enough to be a defensive lineman, but I could see him playing linebacker. The kid is outstanding!

--When the NHL is ready to come back, let me know. This talk of optimism that is quickly squelched by comments from Don Fehr is simply tedious.

--I guess its safe to say the Los Angeles Lakers pushed the panic button.

--Joe Sakic is a Hall of Famer for sure, but I can't say that about Pavel Bure. I was never a fan of the Russian Rocket.

--Speaking of Sakic, the Toronto Sun's Steve Simmons says the Leafs wanted to take Sakic in the 87 draft, but then coach John Brophy wanted a tough defenceman. Owner Harold Ballard sided with Brophy and the Leafs took Luke Richardson. OUCH!!!! That's one that's gotta leave a mark with Leafs fans.

-Thanks for checking in!

(Romby Bryant photo courtesy Calgary Herald)


  1. Anonymous11/12/2012

    Once again Richie Hall's defence can't make a stop when they need to. How long do we have to put up with him?


  2. Anonymous11/12/2012

    That loss leaves me speechless. If this doesn't spell the end of the Richie Hall reign, what will? How many 2nd and longs were converted? How do you let happen what happened at the end of the first half? How do you not tell your d-backs to be looking for the deep ball? Can I suggest Baron Miles as a DC? They could even bring back Etch.


  3. Anonymous11/12/2012

    That might have been Durant's best game as a Rider. He was outstanding! Too bad he had to watch the defence screw it up.

  4. Anonymous11/12/2012

    I just about puked when I saw the Edmonton QB's leg. Any word as to how bad that actually was.

  5. Anonymous11/12/2012

    Thanks Richie!!! Thanks for nothing!

  6. Anonymous11/12/2012

    One word I would use to describe the Riders---over-rated! They won three of their eight games against teams that didn't make the playoffs and let an Edmonton team that was bad beat them twice. Don't be fooled. There is a long ways to go before this team can be put in the class of Grey Cup contender.


  7. Anonymous11/12/2012

    Richie has to go!!!!!

  8. E-Train11/12/2012

    The word I would use to describe the 2012 Roughriders is enigmatic. Just when they get rolling again, they go on a losing streak. Too hot and cold this year and this was shown yesterday just in 60 minutes of football.

    If we had any ball hawks, we'd have a few picks yesterday as Tate was just putting them up there for grabs. BC will have at least 3 ints come Sunday and be off to the Grey Cup. Tor Vs BC in the Grey Cup. Go Argos!

  9. Anonymous11/12/2012

    I don't know if there is one word for this team in 2012, but I am encouraged at what I see. No one at the start of the year thought this team would go to and win the Grey Cup. I think you called for an 8,9 or 10 win season. The on-field product was definitely better than 2011 and there are many players in place as you have mentioned that will be better with another year under their belt. Changes have to be made (Hall, Williams, Patrick), but I think they can make a run next year which is what the gameplan was.

    Don't get me wrong though that loss was a kick in the nuts.


  10. Anonymous11/12/2012

    Durant's great day is overshadowed by terrible coaching AGAIN! How much longer do we have to deal with Richie Hall. Has anyone noticed how this defense has sucked under his watch and how it didn't when Etcheverry was around.

  11. Anonymous11/12/2012

    The sight of Nickels and that mangled leg almost made me puke. Legs aren't supposed to bend that way. I hope he's ready to go for training camp.


  12. Anonymous11/12/2012

    A Hooters would look great in the south Blockbuster location. You and Peterson could be spokespeople.

  13. Anonymous11/12/2012

    Is Maze to blame Mitch or is McKenzie? Watching the play it looks to me like McKenzie should have deep coverage and Maze just let Bryant go thinking MacKenzie would be there. It wouldn't be the first time MacKenzie has looked bad this year!


  14. Lee-Anne11/13/2012

    After watching the antics of Drew Tate during the game on Sunday, it makes me wonder how many concussions this guy has had already. Or is he just a goof? Maybe a flake is a better word. Tate should make a decision. Either go into the theatre as a drama queen or stick to QB. What a weirdo! At least Kevin Glenn just plays football like a pro.

  15. Lee-Anne11/13/2012

    On the pass that won the game...I believe that it was a zone defense and the guys got their wires crossed and McKenzie didn't get over there in time. I think Maze had the short pass and the flats. Can you say Oops?
