
Sunday, February 3, 2013

An Ejection In Curling??

Yup, and it happened at the Sasktel Tankard in Melfort.

Read about it right here


  1. Anonymous2/03/2013

    What would Vic say!

  2. Anonymous2/03/2013

    And now this guy is on the team representing Sask. Great! I'm guessing we can be oh-so-proud of his antics.

  3. Anonymous2/03/2013

    Is this Virtue an import? I've never heard of him. I know who Moskowy is, but I've never heard of Virtue. Where's he from?


  4. Anonymous2/04/2013

    Great, this guy is representing the Province now on a national scale ! Great for all the Toronto folk to judge the stereotypical 'hillbilly, banjo pickin' Saskatchewan Ave Joes.

  5. Anonymous2/04/2013

    This is not about the person that was ejected as much as the Saskatchewan Curling Association (SCA) wanting to set and example for "All Curlers".

    Behaviour at curling's elite levels has been deteriorating over the years and the SCA finally decided to clamp down. Mr. Schille is one one of a large group of curlers throughout Canada who show emotion at times throughout a game no different then in other sports. If Mr. Schille was ejected for kicking a rock this is just wrong, on the other hand if he was ejected for swearing at a volunteer official the SCA has done the correct thing here.

  6. Anonymous2/04/2013

    Not sure what this has to do with other people judging? If a person truly understands the game they would know that Wayne Middaugh (from Ontario) is one of the biggest rock kickers in the game. Middaugh is three time world champion and I don't believe anybody thinks he is a hillbilly or a banjo picker? John Morris from Alberta breaks brooms over his knees during games.....I could go on and on.

    Contrary to what many people think these people are elite athletes and put endless hours into curling, practices every day, away from their families for a large part of the winter. This is not for millions of dollars, it is for the love of the game. There is going to be passion when you put this much into something.

  7. Anonymous2/05/2013

    Curling participant ejected out of the rink???? you don't say, Isn't that a pity.
