
Friday, February 1, 2013

Budweiser Scores A Touchdown

It is said this ad will be the one people are talking about Monday morning after the Super Bowl. Take a look...

Personally, my favourite might be this one for some reason...


  1. 75flyersbestteamever2/01/2013

    They may be talking about the Bud ad for a different reason..(blame the kids for this one)
    there's a youtube video called Christian the Lion where two dudes had a baby lion as a pet..once it grew up had to give it up to a wildlife reserve in Australia or somewhere and then have the lion remember them when the dudes came to see him a few years later...the King of Beers better not have paid too much for the idea.

  2. Anonymous2/01/2013

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Kate Upton!!!!!

  3. Anonymous2/02/2013

    Scruff, do you not know that your girl from the Big Bang Theory has a couple of SB ads?
