
Monday, February 4, 2013

More On The Curling Ejection

Perhaps the biggest story in Canadian sports this weekend after the Ravens Super Bowl win was what happened in Melfort where Chris Schille was ejected from a game at the Sask-Tel Tankard. The other side of the story is now being told and can be read right here.


  1. great and they represent us at the nationals

  2. Anonymous2/04/2013

    If they win the Brier, no one will care!

  3. Anonymous2/05/2013

    Curling ejection/rejection out of the building supersedes the Super Bowl In Saskatchewan, Canada, hands down. What a joke, given a bit of tv/camera time and there you have your a**clown with attitude who doesn't want to follow the rules of the curling games governing body as Instructed, what next, tidly winks ?

  4. Anonymous2/05/2013

    Would you be happy/proud if john Morris, Benny Hebert or Wayne Middaugh represented us at the Brier? My guess the answers is yes. Did you know these three (among others) are some of the most volatile broom breakers, rock kickers, swearers on the curling circuit?

    People who post the comments above are out of touch with the sport and need to bring themselves up to speed before posting such nonsense.
