
Friday, February 15, 2013

Who's Going Where

There are good beat writers in the CFL, but you would be hard pressed to find one better than Moosomin product Kirk Penton who is with the Winnipeg Sun. He breaks down who will go where as you can see.


Here is the list of 39 players who, as of Friday morning, were still eligible to become free agents. The team names beside some of the players are educated guesses made by a handful of CFL executives during conversations over the last few days. Some of the suggestions have evidence behind them, while others are speculation based on team needs. Either way, take a peek and see where your team shows up.

Winnipeg (5)
CB Deon Beasley — Edm, Sask, Wpg, B.C.
LB Marcellus Bowman — Wpg (injured)
DE Fernand Kashama* — Tor, Sask
DE Jason Vega — New England Patriots (NFL)
SB Clarence Denmark — Wpg
Toronto (6)
RB Chad Kackert — New York Jets (NFL), Tor, Mtl, Edm
DE Ricky Foley* — Tor, Ham, B.C.
LB Tristan Black* — Sask
OL Cedric Gagne-Marcoux* — Tor, Mtl, B.C.
WR Maurice Mann
DB Evan McCollough — Ham, Tor, Sask, Mtl, B.C.
Montreal (4)
RB Brandon Whitaker — Tor, Mtl, Edm (injured)
DB Dwight Anderson — Tor, Mtl, B.C., Sask
RB Dahrran Diedrick* — Mtl
DB Seth Williams
Hamilton (4)
LB Jonathan Hood*
LB Yannick Carter*
DB Chris Rwabukamba* — Sask, Edm
DB Marcell Young — Sask, Tor
B.C. (6)
LB Solomon Elimimian — Cleveland Browns (NFL)
OL Jon Hameister-Ries* — B.C.
S Cauchy Muamba* — B.C., Tor, Wpg, Ham
OL Jesse Newman* — expected to retire
OL Jovan Olafioye — Baltimore Ravens (NFL), B.C.
LB James Yurichuk* — Mtl, Ham, Tor
Saskatchewan (6)
DE Odell Willis — Edm, Tor, Ham
DB Chris McKenzie — Ham, Tor, B.C.
LB Tyron Brackenridge — Ham, Mtl, B.C.
OL Alex Krausnick-Groh* — Sask, Cgy, B.C.
LB Shomari Williams* — Tor, Ham
SB Jordan Sisco*
Calgary (2)
OL Mark Dewit* — Cgy, B.C.
DT Brian Bulcke* — Ham, B.C., Tor, Mtl
Edmonton (6)
DB Weldon Brown — Edm, Sask, B.C., Ham, Edm
RB Pascal Fils*
WR Marcus Henry — Edm, Tor
WR Tyler Scott*
OL Dylan Steenbergen* — Ham, Edm, Cgy, B.C.
DE Julius Williams — B.C., Cgy, Mtl, Ham

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