
Thursday, March 21, 2013

This And That

Just a weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled brain

--What is going through the minds of the yahoos who ignore the "travel not recommended" or "Highway closed" status? The RCMP said Thursday that some are stopping their vehicle and actually moving barricades on the road before going on their way. ????! What am I not understanding here? If the department store is closed and you're looking for something, do you just break a window and go on in and grab what you need? I realize police haven't got time to sit and monitor the roads, but I would like to see some of these idiots charged.

--The NHL is coming back to Regina as the New York Islanders will take on the Calgary Flames. Its great that Reginans get to see an NHL game, but the Islanders and the Flames don't interest this blogger. I think its quite clear that this has become an Oilers town or even more of one since Jordan Eberle signed on with Edmonton. Was there no way to see the Oilers take on the Winnipeg Jets? If the Jets can play Boston in Saskatoon, why couldn't they take on the Oilers here?

--Brent Parker's comments on Sunday as the Regina Pats cleaned out their dressing room has certainly sparked a lot of conversation. I have had some ask me if his comments about "certain media people" cutting down the team were directed at me because of my comments on this blog a couple of weeks ago. If it was, I have no problem with that as Brent is entitled to his opinion much like I am entitled to mine. I stick to my comments a couple of weeks ago and that is if this team ever finds the winning formula and goes on an extended playoff run that this city will go crazy and that the Brandt Centre will be full or close to it. All the negative feelings that have been created can go out the window if this team turns it around and becomes a threat. I don't know if that can happen next year, but with Regina getting what looks to be a blue-chip product by winning the bantam draft lottery and picking 2nd that perhaps they can start with a solid off-season and give fans some optimism. Optimism that I think its safe to say without angering anyone at the Brandt Centre that isn't there right now. What I do know when it comes to Parker is that he's right when he says he's not a quitter. He's much too stubborn to be a quitter and I mean that as a compliment and not an insult.

--Still with the Pats, why do they and other WHL teams not track the movement of their players when the season is over. The Pats never sent out a release about the future playing plans of Lane Scheidl, Colton Jobke or Chandler Stephenson. The same can be said for Moose Jaw when Morgan Rielly was promoted to Toronto. Let your fans know what your team and players are/is doing 24/7/365. By the way, the best of luck to Scheidl. He deserves a shot at showing his stuff in the American Hockey League and perhaps higher. Matt Hewitt does as well and it appears he may not get that opportunity. Hopefully someone will take a chance on him.

--The WHL playoffs have started. Here's a great read previewing the first round

--Kudos to Saskatoon Blades broadcaster (and overall good dude) Les Lazaruk. Les put his hair on the line when the Blades were struggling and said he would shave his head if the Blades won the East. They did and Les followed through with proceeds going to charity. I just hope the Blades came through with a free toque for Les. I wonder if that could spur Rod Pedersen into doing something similar if the Riders were to win the Grey Cup. When I asked that question this week, I was just greeted with a scowl and a comment of "I'm not shaving my head for anything Scruffy!"

--I have no problems with the CFL deal on TSN and that they once again are the exclusive broadcaster of the CFL. This league is growing and growing and growing and getting better and better. TSN is the number one Sports Network in this country and they will do a fantastic job in bringing the game into our living room. I was real happy to hear Jim Hopson say that TSN plans on enhancing their broadcasts and making them better than what they are now (insert Rod Black joke here). Some say the NFL does it with various networks and I don't disagree with that, but the CFL only has four games a weekend and not 12-16 as the NFL can have. Unless TSN is willing to put games on CTV, you need it all in one place. Sportsnet will continue to focus their efforts on the Jays and the NHL and the Score will keep bringing us wrestling and whatever else they have. I'm OK with it.

--The CFL is looking at making some rule changes. One of them being to change the pass interference penalty from being at the spot of the foul to making it a distance penalty. I disagree with this. If a pass is 25 or 30 yards downfield or longer, what is to stop a DBack from committing a flagrant pass interference knowing that the ball will be moved up 15 yards. That idea needs to be scrapped. I would also like to see teams get one more timeout per half and yes, sorry all of you rouge lovers, I want to see the single point scrapped. I just don't understand how you can reward a team for failure.

--Speaking of rule changes, I am starting to wonder if Roger Goodell is trying to kill the sport that he is in charge of. The rule change not allowing a running back to lead with the crown of his helmet is just wrong. That is what guys like Adrian Peterson and Marshawn Lynch do on a regular basis. Its what makes them great. You are taking away their natural ability and that is wrong. I understand the player safety issue is key, but at some point you have to draw the line. Goodell went too far with this one. To quote a line from Mike Milbury, the "wussification" of the NFL has started. At least the NFL did get rid of the tuck rule. One can only wonder how the history of the NFL would have changed had the Raiders beaten the Patriots on that snowy Saturday in Boston. Would New England have had the dynasty they had or not? We'll never know!

--So CJME has signed Leader Post sports editor Rob Vanstone to an exclusivity deal that only has him appearing on their sports show and now they have gone out and gotten old Leader-Post sports writer Darrell Davis to join them for some kind of pre and post game show that they are going to do during the CFL season. This makes me wonder if they are going to try and lure Gregg Drinnan back to Regina for some kind of hockey coverage.

-The Atlanta Falcons are going to get a new stadium just 20 years after moving into the Georgia Dome. Can I ask what is wrong with the Georgia Dome and why is there the need to move again after just 20 years in a building that is still relatively new? I can't imagine the uproar that would be created if in 2036, the Saskatchewan Roughriders said they wanted a new stadium. Its bad enough now when a new facility is needed.

--The 2015 World Cup of womens soccer is going to be played in Canada. 52 games will be played across the country in 30 days. Sadly, no games will go in Regina. I would have loved to see Regina play host to one or two of those games. I think it would have been tremendous. Oh well!

--If you have Access, go to Channel 6 (CTV) and look at the logo and then go to the HD channel (510) and you will see the CTV logo that they are using now. Memo to CTV: If you are thinking of changing logos, don't. The new one looks terrible!

--I love March Madness. The end of the Marquette-Davidson just renewed my passion for the NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament. For what its worth, my final four are Michigan State, Kansas, Miami (FL) and Gonzaga with Miami winning it all. By the way, did you know that former Leboldus Golden Sun Joe DeCiman is playing for Colorado State. They advanced to the round of 32 with a win on Thursday, but Joe didn't dress. If he were to get a basket, would he be the first player from Regina or Saskatchewan to get a point at the NCAA Tournament. Former Ram receiver Mike Thomas tweeted me that the honor may have gone to former Cougar Ryan Michell who played at Stephen F Austin in Texas, but Michell tweeted me that his team never made it to the tournament when he was there.

--Riders head coach Corey Chamblin was with Rod and I in the Sportscage on Wednesday and he was asked how he enjoyed the CIS Womens Basketball Championships. Chamblin said he loved it and was real impressed with Brittany Read and Michelle Clark of the Cougars. I wonder how Corey felt being in that mass of humanity that cheers its lungs out instead of being on the court. He was right in the middle of the madness that is created at Mosaic nine times a year. I can't tell you how much I like Chamblin and how I think he's on the right path with this team. I don't see this team falling on their face this year and I do see Chamblin being around for the foreseeable future.

--I'm still bitter that just after I start working downtown that the place where I got some great soup closed down. The Brown Bag needs to re-open somewhere close to the mighty RM studios.

--The extreme pettiness and lowness of some continues to amaze me even though I've seen the act play itself out before and that the people involved are the true definition of slime. I've seen something happen this week that just makes me shake my head as to how "no-class" some are when they think they are high and mighty. All I know is when the shit starts flowing the other way, I will laugh my ass off. Trust me, it will start flowing the other way if it hasn't already. Those that know me well know what I'm talking about. Those that don't will just have to guess. Sorry!

--I don't have a vote, but if I had one for NHL MVP, its Patrick Kane of Chicago hands-down. Is there a game where he doesn't make the highlights?

--I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times. There is no better pizza in this town than what Jimmy Baiton cooks up at Tumblers. The man knows what he's doing and the sauce is boss!

--Why does a finance minister buy new shoes before presenting a budget? It seems kinda dumb to me!

--Stay warm this weekend! Spring has to come sooner or later. As a friend's dad told me this week, Mother Nature will say I'm sorry for this winter by giving us a Grey Cup week where the temperature is in double digits throughout. One can only hope!


  1. Anonymous3/22/2013

    A couple of things

    1) I'm guessing 90 percent of the "yahoos" are driving trucks and are aged 18-30. They're invincible don'tcha know

    2) Parker is smart enough to realize that winning will breed success. However, he isn't smart enough to realize that he is the problem. He took a big hit to his ego when he stepped aside to let Lang become GM. He needs to take another one now and move to Calgary with Russ and let Pat and Chad do things.

    3) Completely agree with you on pass interference. That's dumb!

    Great job at the U of R last weekend.


  2. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Can we get the Georgia Dome here? That's ridiculous! Then again, how old is the Metrodome?


  3. Anonymous3/22/2013

    If CJME is stupid enough to do a pre and post game show again, good for them. CKRM will have the audience of a Rider game while CJME will have the audience of an RMF game.

  4. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Does CJME think that having a pre and post game show will mean listeners? Do they have any now after Gormley signs off? Their morning show is horrible, Charles Adler is unlistenable and the Green Zone is a joke. I would think Vanstone would want to hitch his horse to a winner. I guess not. I don't think CKRM needs to worry about anything. Your game-day presentation is still the best.....despite Ballsy!


  5. Anonymous3/22/2013

    It would be a waste of time for cops to sit and monitor road closures and if anyone is removing barricades, but is it any different than them sitting there for a speed trap?


  6. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Personally Mitch, I think what CJME did was smart business sense. It's no different that TSN doing that with their talking heads or, a league doing it with a TV network....that's the world Radio now lives in. In the days of twitter, social media, internet and satellite radio every media platform needs to do whatever it takes to win.

    It's pretty petty of you to spout of on your blog about a decision a former employer of yours did because it makes you seem spiteful. Why didn't Roddy and CKRM sign him to an exclusive deal...what stopped Mr. Hill opening up his wallet and doing the same thing?


  7. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Go Zags!!

    Yes, I believe DeCiman would be the first Regina player in tournament to score points. He didn't play last night though and as a rookie likely won't see floor time.


  8. Anonymous3/22/2013

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Spiteful? Jeff, you are correct with your statement and I am correct with mine saying they have an LP flavour to their show with Rob and a former LP writer Darrell. Gregg Drinnan is another former LP writer. No spite intended. Good luck to them in their venture. I just hope for their sake that they stick to the plan because they are famous for not doing so in the past.

    As for RM opening up the wallet, do you forget about the likes of Schultz, Dominguez and others?

  10. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Oh Mitch, I don't forget about Schultz and enjoy tuning out on Friday's because of him....but thanks for letting me air that.


  11. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Scruffy, you are so right when it comes to the Pats. If Hopson was in control of that team and the Pats had the track record that they do, everyone would be shitting on Jim. If they start to win, the city will go Patscrazy. Brent may be no quitter, but he has been a failure on the hockey operations side. He needs to admit that.

    Jeff, do you work for the Rawlco Regina or Saskatoon operation? Could ya be more obvious buddy?

    Terry C

  12. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Hey Jeff:

    I'd rather listen to Schultz than any of the meatballs that CJME brings on including Vanstone and Suitor! Schultz doesn't hide the truth while the others tap-dance to their hearts content.


  13. Anonymous3/22/2013

    If the CFL wants to make the product better, please re-assign Rod Black!
    In all seriousness, this is a great move for everyone concerned and will make the CFL a better product not just here, but everywhere.

  14. Anonymous3/22/2013

    What type of money is being used to build a new stadium in Atlanta? I can't see the state or the county being behind it since they would have likely done something with the Georgia Dome.


  15. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Waving the Rawlco flag Jeff? Do you get a free Z99 coffee mug and a pat on the head from management? Be honest Jeff.

    Here's the bottom line....CJME can't compete with CKRM especially now that Rod and Scruffy are on the same team. Look at the ratings and you will see that Jeffy boy!

  16. I agree that Parker does not realize he is the problem and has been since 1995. Think about it Parker, its not the coaches fault all these year and look at how many coaches the Pats have gone through. He might good at hte marketing but not with Managing players and coaching personnel. He is the cancer of the organization. Until he and Russ leave town, the pats will continue to be in this sorry state.

  17. Anonymous3/22/2013

    An Oilers-Jets game would be fantastic. Flames-Islanders doesn't excite me at all.

  18. Anonymous3/22/2013

    What CJME is doing is great business sense. However, what CJME doesn't realize or doesn't want to accept is that no one is listening to them. As a former employee ( and you know this Mitch), all they are concerned about is $$$ and the fact Z99 and Jack are doing well means they can absorb the fact that CJME is so poor and give advertisers a discount rate.

    CJME simply can't compete with CKRM when it comes to sports and if Paul Hill would loosen his pursestrings somewhat and add two or three bodies to the newsroom where you are now, you would kick them there too. The amount of fluff that CJME runs is worse than ever now.
    That's just my two cents. I'm sure this might get a response from Jeff if he isn't getting praised in a Friday coffee meeting already for being a good boy and protecting the brand.

  19. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Tumblers has the best pizza in Regina without a doubt. End of story!

  20. Anonymous3/22/2013

    If cops have to go rescue guys that go through barricdes, I'm guessing they also get charged. Why wouldn't they?

  21. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Womens soccer??? No thanks Scruffy. Mens soccer is painful enough.

  22. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Good question on the Georgia Dome! That is simply ridiculous wanting a new one after 20 years and getting it,.

  23. Anonymous3/22/2013

    No responses from Jeff. HMMMMMMMMM!!!

  24. Anonymous3/22/2013

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Anonymous3/22/2013

    CJME should just give Vanstone a show. It would be better than what they have right now.

  26. Anonymous3/22/2013

    Best pie in town is Sparkys. Ask your buddy Chop about that Mitch!

  27. Anonymous3/24/2013

    I just wish any talkshow or Newspaper in Regina would remove their green sunglasses and look at the Riders objectively. There isn't one media person in the whole city that has the balls to even think a negative thought about the Riders no matter how obvious it is.

  28. Anonymous3/24/2013

    Mitch, I'm so tired of your posts on Will you please do us all a favour and leave the site? No one enjoys reading the insight from Bingo Arms / Mitch Blair.


    Rick C.

  29. Rick C:

    HA HA HA. Sorry to disappoint you dude, but I am not Bingo Arms. He is some guy that is a big-time hater.

  30. Anonymous3/24/2013

    After Drew Remenda quit /fired from Rawlco, I listened to their sports show for one week and have never listened since. CKRM for sports all the way for me (and I listened to Drew every single night for years).

  31. Anonymous3/24/2013

    @ Rick C

    The guy who goes under the name Bingo Arms is not Scruffy. The guy's name is Darren Hansford and yes, he has some kind of huge hate on for Scruffy for some reason.

  32. Anonymous3/24/2013

    Darrell Davis would be a big upgrade for CJME. Anything would be an upgrade over the triple threat of Wray Morrison, Jamie Nye and Gary Nickle. Simply unlistenable. Lynch makes Cage that way too, but CKRM show is more entertaining.

  33. Anonymous3/24/2013

    I too can confirm as a fellow member that Bingo Arms is Darren Hansford. The guy is one of the biggest douches I know.

  34. Anonymous3/24/2013

    Thanks for the clarification Mitch! Sorry for that! Lol.

    I apologize for implying you were Bingo Arms. That poster is actually pretty insightful but he's certainly pretty harsh at times.

    Keep up the great work. I enjoy listening to you when you're on the cage.


  35. Anonymous3/29/2016

    This is for Rick. Its easy to make the mistake of thinking Mitchell Blair is Bingo_Arms on Rider Fans because Bingo_Arms loves to try and fool you into thinking he's Mitchell. He is not him though. As others have already said, Bingo_Arms is actually a mentally unstable person named Darren Hansford who has a big hate on for Mitchell. If you knew about his history you may understand why. Just recently he's posted a topic on Rider Fans about the road trips he'll be taking this year to see the Riders play. If anyone out there is thinking about going on a road trip, do not go with Darren Hansford. You'll end up looking over your shoulder worried about your wallet and your identity if you have him along with you.
