
Friday, April 26, 2013

DeLaet Coming Home To Help

PGA Tour professional Graham DeLaet, a product of Weyburn, Saskatchewan, will be in Saskatoon July 11th to help Golf Saskatchewan raise awareness and funds to support junior golf programs throughout the Province.


The Graham DeLaet Charity Golf Tournament In Support Of Junior Golf in Saskatchewan is a joint initiative between Golf Saskatchewan and Graham DeLaet, a past Golf Saskatchewan member and two-time Amateur Men’s Provincial Champion who is currently ranked 106th in the world.  The event will take place Thursday, July 11th at the Willows Golf & Country Club in Saskatoon.


DeLaet will have a strong presence at the event. “I am very excited to be able to give back to junior golf in Saskatchewan, said DeLaet.  “I look at the opportunities that were available to me growing up and I hope to see more and more kids involved with golf in Saskatchewan.”


“Growing our current junior golf programs and providing more opportunities for youth to get involved with the sport is a major priority for Golf Saskatchewan,” said Brian Lee, Executive Director.  “As an association we have been proactive in adopting and developing new junior programs for schools and golf clubs to endorse throughout the Province. With Graham’s support, it is our goal to set up a Graham DeLaet Junior Golf Development Fund that will benefit communities, schools, golf clubs and impact children from all walks of life.”


“It is important for those in the golf community in Saskatchewan to make junior golf and development programs a major priority,” said Phil Grosse, Manager of Sport Development and Marketing for Golf Saskatchewan. “Junior golfers are the future and I believe we can make a significant contribution to junior golf and the future of our sport through this exciting initiative.”


The proceeds raised through the Graham DeLaet Charity Golf Tournament In Support of Junior Golf will support Golf Saskatchewan initiatives and a portion of the proceeds will assist the Weyburn and District Hospital Foundation, whom Graham supported through fundraising events in 2011 and 2012.   



1 comment:

  1. I appreciated Graham DeLaet's decision. Junior golfer is an asset of the future golf.
