
Saturday, April 20, 2013

God Bless You David Ortiz

The Boston Red Sox played their first home game this afternoon since Monday's tragic bombing at the Boston Marathon and the pursuit of the two responsible. After their game, David Ortiz spoke to the crowd. I truly wish the President or someone else would be as candid as what Ortiz was. Take a listen!


  1. Anonymous4/20/2013

    HA HA HA! That's awesome!

  2. Anonymous4/21/2013

    That's a great way to talk with young kids in the crowd. I think how the President said was better.

    To use the F word just means you have no class. For some one to enjoy it means you have no class.


  3. Anonymous4/21/2013

    He spoke from the heart and said what many Bostonions were thinking. I have no problem with it and either should anyone else.

  4. Anonymous4/21/2013

    A moron?! Ortiz said what probably every person at Fenway Park and every person who has a connection to Boston was thinking. He said it and I say good on him!!

  5. Anonymous4/21/2013

    What he said was fine! He just didn't have to use the f word! That wasn't necessary!

  6. Anonymous4/21/2013

    He said it without being informed and using the event to create a knee jerk reaction similar to Toby Keith singing about putting a boot in someone's ass. It was a tragic event perpetrated by 2 losers who for whatever reason decided to spray kill innocent people. Up the road they had a similar thing happen in Conneticut, and so maybe use this to call attention that maybe just maybe there might be something wrong with their society down there. Just curious how many people have been murdered in Boston in 2013?

  7. Anonymous4/22/2013

    Simple, just google "boston murders 2013"

    There have been 10 murders in 2013 in Boston, up to the end of March. Regina has had 4 murders so far this year. Using the last census for each, Boston's population in 2011 was 4.5 million, Regina's was 211,000. Going back to 2008, Boston has about 60 murders per year, Regina has about 8. So Boston's murder rate is about 35% of Regina's murder rate. Maybe there is something wrong with our society up here.

    Brad T

  8. Anonymous4/24/2013

    Hey Mitch, would you be ok sitting with your daughter in the stands when Ortiz spewed this filth?
    Just wondering.

  9. Anonymous4/24/2013

    Having a child in the stands to hear filth? Have you ever been to Mosaic Stadium or any other sporting event? When you go out in public to a sporting event, you take a chance on who is going to be besides and around you. I've taken my kids to football games and four letter words have been prominent. My kid is also mature enough not to use that language------yet!

    Swearing has become part of our culture.

    Get over it moron!

  10. Anonymous4/25/2013

    Unfortunately swearing is prominent in todays society but that still doesn't make it right! So you get over it too, Moron!
