
Monday, April 15, 2013

Something To "Mitch" About

If you are a fan of Tiger Woods, the Blue Jays and the L-A Lakers, this was quite an eventful weekend for you as those three certainly took the spotlight.
Lets start with Tiger. This is a debate that could go on and on and on and I don’t really know if there would be a winner. What I do know is that Tiger has now proven he is bigger than the game he plays. You can give me whatever excuse you want to give me about a player unknowingly breaking the rules and having to take a two stroke penalty. The bottom line is that Tiger signed an incorrect scorecard and that means disqualification.  If this had been any other golfer in the field and that includes marquee names like Mickelson. McIlroy, Johnson or whoever, it would have been tough luck partner, but you’re done. In fact, now that a precedent has been set, no other golfer should be DQ'ed from a tournament for signing a wrong scorecard.  Penalizing Tiger two strokes was their way of getting an “out”.  Could Tiger have improved his declining image by voluntarily pulling out, yes he could have, but I don’t think anyone was truly expecting that to happen were they?

I think what bothers me the most in this whole scenario though is that the reason it all came to the attention of officials is because of some bozo sitting at home who for whatever reason has the ability to phone up the course, get someone’s attention and tell them of a violation. Is there some schlub out there puffing out his chest saying he is the reason Tiger got the two stroke penalty? Why does golf allow for Joe Public to have an ability to say something is wrong? Can you imagine the Pandora’s Box that would be opened if other sports allowed this.  CFL officiating director Tom Higgins would never ever get off the phone during the season. What an arcane and idiotic rule. That is what needs to be scrapped.

While Adam Scott won in what was a dramatic final round, one can only wonder how it would have turned out had that chip on 15 Friday simply gone in the hole and not in the water.
After a rough start to the season, it would appear as if the Blue Jays are finally getting their feet underneath them having taken two of three in Kansas City, but the season took a definite downturn Friday night when Jose Reyes suffered an ankle injury that will keep him out for three months. Reyes was seen to be the kingpin of the offense and as lead-off man, he had gotten on base in all 10 games Toronto had played. This means Toronto won’t have the lineup they wanted on the field opening day until after the all-star break as they wanted it to be Arencibia, Lind, Bonifacio, Reyes, Brett Lawrie, Bautista, Rasmus and Encarnacion or Cabrera.  I would think Lawrie will be promoted into the lead-off spot once he is ready to return and that should be very soon by all reports. 
I’m not a Kobe Bryant fan. I never have been, but the torn Achilles tendon injury suffered by him Friday night is a terrible injury to suffer---especially at his age. Its doubtful the Lakers can make the playoffs now without Bryant, and now its time to see if Kobe will be the player he was before he went off. He gave us a heartfelt posting on his Facebook account hours after the injury in which he says he’s not done. We’ll see. As I said, I don’t like Bryant, but it wouldn’t be right to see him go out because of an injury.
The city sent out a press release Friday saying 90 percent of all city residential streets had been plowed. I came home wondering Friday if I was in that 10 percent that hadn’t. I was. SIGHHHH!!!!
We are now less than two months away from the Riders first pre-season game in Edmonton.  Its getting closer.
The Regina Minor Girls Softball Association says opening day is supposed to be April 28. I don’t think opening day will proceed as scheduled. In fact, looking at their diamonds, I am starting to wonder if some of the little ones like my daughter will have a season at all.
The way the Oilers are going, they could find themselves in the lottery again. I don’t care what people are saying---progress is not being made! At least hall of fame writer Terry Jones from the Edmonton Sun is with me by the looks of this column
When I hear PK Subban mentioned in the same breath as the Norris Trophy, it makes me laugh. You might as well put Mike Green in the conversation as well. There is no way that Subban should even be considered in the conversation as far as I'm concerned. Let the hate from the Habs fans begin.

I am resigned to the fact that the Leafs are making the playoffs.
Count me as one of those who could care less that Oprah Winfrey was in Saskatoon. It did make me laugh though that Credit Union Centre was going to transform some mens rooms into ladies room because of all the women attending. I can’t see any event where that might be the other way, and I can only imagine the backlash if it happened.
Congratulations to Trent Cassan and the Yorkton Terriers for winning the SJHL championship Sunday night. The Terriers got a huge triple overtime win in Humboldt Saturday night to take the advantage in the series as it looked like no visiting team would win. Can the Terriers get to the RBC by finishing top two in the Western Canadian championship. I still think that championship is designed to see Alberta and BC teams get there, but if anyone will throw a monkeywrench into those plans, it will be the Terriers. Good luck to them in Nanaimo.

Men who don't understand women fall into two categories. Bachelors and Husbands.
Have a great week. Don't let the weather get ya down!


  1. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Subban leads all NHL Defensemen in Goals and Points. He is also a Plus 10. More than deserving of Norris consideration. PK is a massive reason for the Habs turnaround in 2013 and is their MVP. I guarantee you he is a Norris Finalist and is the odds on favorite to win it.

  2. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Put me down as one of the anti-Tiger guys. It just bothers me that there are so many golfers out there, yet the networks cling to this guy. Yes, he is good, but do we really need to see every shot he hits. I'm sure CBS played a role in what happened Saturday saying no Tiger means no ratings. That last round was great and Tiger was never really a threat. You are right. It was proven this week that he is bigger than the tour and the sport.


  3. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Less than two months away from the CFL pre-season. We need football after this winter!

    peter dalla riva

  4. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Subban is definitely in the discussion, but I don't think he's the best. Suter is good, Kronwall is good, Phaneuf has had a nice bounce-back year too.

  5. Anonymous4/15/2013

    U must live close to me Scruff because like you, my street is far from being clean.

  6. Anonymous4/15/2013

    My wife came home from Oprah crying saying it was one of the best evenings she has ever had. I promptly rolled over and rolled my eyes. I wouldn't go across the street to see her, Ellen, Dr. Phil or anyone of those talkshow wing-nuts. OK, I might go see Springer!

    Dean in Stoon

  7. Anonymous4/15/2013

    If Subban is named the best d-man in NHL, it says a lot about the quality of d-men in the NHL.


  8. Anonymous4/15/2013

    I’m not a Tiger fan either, but the reason Tiger wasn’t DQ’d was that he was told his drop was fine when signing the scorecard. If the officials tell you were good and then change their mind how can you DQ the player?

    Dustin Johnson grounded his club in a bunker he didn't know he was in at a PGA Championship, and the PGA notified him of the two-stroke penalty before he signed his card.

    The only reason people have a problem with the ruling is because it was Tiger.

  9. 75bestteamever4/15/2013

    Not Oiler fan in any form, however, I do feel pain for Scruff and the decent people of Edmonton who literally get kicked every year suffering with a bad team, and front office promising next year is better,. them WHAMMO back in the keeled over mode again.
    To tell your customers you stink, and will stink over and over for that many years and remain collecting a salary all I can say is Kevin Lowe and company must be the envy of used car or home security salespersons worldwide.
    ..I believe Lindsay Lohan will change before the Oil's fortunes do
    ....MacTavish and Howson now the answer???
    line up here to get your free kicks
    ..sorry Mitch-u-a-tion

  10. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Looks like Terry Jones rattled some chairs upstairs. Tambellini is out.


  11. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Why the PK hate Mitch? He is the best! Admit it!

    1. mike from vita, mb4/17/2013

      Pk isn't the best. Next time sign your name and don't hide behind the anonymous tag

  12. Anonymous4/15/2013

    If Tiger nails that shot Friday, he wins the tournament by three strokes guaranteed!


  13. Anonymous4/15/2013

    Congrats to the Terriers indeed. What a thriller Saturday night in Humboldt. It could have went either way. Don't know how Yorkton beats the likes of Brooks, but lets see what they can do.

    1. mike from vita, mb, formerly of the yorkton area4/17/2013

      Have you seen Brooks play? Cassan & the Terriers could surprise the other teams@ western Canadians.

  14. Anonymous4/15/2013

    The city cleaned my road on Friday but the ice is so packed down that they could only get the top half or so. And you know what, that's okay with me. They're working their tails off and mother nature won this year. End of story.

    I was going to mention the Dustin Johnson PGA penalty too. That comment is totally correct. People are just uptight b/c it's Eldrick.

    And, by no means a Habs fan but I've been very impressed with how PK controls the play when I have watched Montreal play this year. He is going to get a huge raise in two years time.
