
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Plaza Inductees

Today the Saskatchewan Roughrider Plaza of Honor Committee announced two new members will be inducted into the Plaza of Honor. This year Eddie Davis and Gene Makowsky will have their names forever etched into Saskatchewan Roughrider history.


Besides being Saskatchewan’s most prestigious sporting dinner, the Plaza of Honor Dinner has contributed over $6 million to the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club.


The Plaza of Honor Dinner presented by SaskTel has inducted 117 individuals who have made major contributions to the proud tradition of the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club. The club has also inducted the 1966, 1989 and 2007 Grey Cup championship teams.


The cairn honouring the Plaza of Honor Inductees is situated outside the main gates on the west side of Mosaic Stadium. The Plaza of Honor cairn is sponsored by SaskTel, SASK SPORT INC. and the City of Regina.


This year’s dinner is set for Friday, September 20th at the Credit Union Eventplex – Evraz Place. To accommodate a much larger audience, the event will once again take place in the Eventplex and will allow patrons a spacious opportunity with a large reception area throughout the evening to meet and greet friends and associates.



  1. Anonymous5/28/2013

    Congratulations gentlemen on your great productive football careers and the personal acknkowegement Into the Saskatchewan Roughriders Plaza of Honour.


  2. Anonymous5/29/2013

    No problem with these picks. Both are definitely worthy of the honor,
