
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Something To "Mitch" About

First off, did everyone that could treat Mom the way she should be this weekend? Good job! If it weren't for Moms, one can only wonder where we would be. The same goes for Dads too, but its just a little different for Mom. A survey came out this week saying we spend over 100 bucks on Mom for Mothers Day and only 84 for Dad. That isn't right is it? Its the thought that counts and that round of 18 with Dad is probably cheaper than flowers and whatever for Mom.

When a restaurant doesn't take reservations any other time for brunch, they shouldn't make them on Mothers Day. How are you supposed to know?? That just about threw my plans up in smoke on Sunday, but thankfully option B was available and they weren't taking reservations.

10 digit dialling is now mandatory in Saskatchewan. I haven't been burnt by it yet, but I'm sure it won't take long until the lady comes on the phone and says your call can't be completed. By the way, am I the only one that thinks its dumb that there is no geographical line breaking down the 306 and the new 639. If I was to get a new neighbour, he or she could have the new area code while we have the old 306 one. Could Saskatoon north not have been 639 and Saskatoon south be 306. If Alberta can do it with 780 and 403, why can't we?

Who makes the final pick for NHL award winners? How can Patrick Kane or Jonathan Toews be ignored when it comes down to the NHL's top player this season. What an eastern bias. Toews, Kane, Getzlaf, Datsyuk? Why were they not considered? I personally think Kane should be the MVP, but I also would have had Chara down as a Norris finalist and Brodin or Yakupov down as a Calder favourite and they weren't named finalists either.

Never, ever count out the Detroit Red Wings as long as Mike Babcock is their coach. It looked with a week to go as if they might not make the Stanley Cup dance and now they are in the 2nd round. I can't see them beating Chicago, but who knows.

Everyone talked about the Penguins and their goaltending issues against the Islanders, but did anyone mention the fact that Evgeni Nabokov was just as bad if not worse. If the Islanders had a goalie for that series, they might have completed the upset. I am guessing the Sharks aren't missing Nabokov who has taken a real tumble from his days in teal. As someone who never really saw the Islanders play this year, they are a pretty good hockey team. John Tavares and Matt Moulson lead a group of lunch-bucket forwards who work their tails off and I really like the way former Warrior Travis Hamonic played for them. He is only going to get better as is that team.

Congrats to the Portland WinterHawks for winning the Ed Chynoweth Cup. 1) They will be a great rep for the WHL 2) This means Saskatoon hockey fans could see the top three players in the NHL draft up close and personal as Seth Jones could very well be joined by Nathan McKinnon and Jonathan Drouin and 3) They better had win because after getting sanctioned the way they did by the WHL, they may never get back.

I had a good chat with Riders GM Brendan Taman for a Riderville story that will go up later today. BT is excited about the upcoming season and why shouldn't he be, but he makes a couple of interesting statements in the story. One of them being to curtail that enthusiasm somewhat because you don't win games on paper. I can certainly buy into his thought-process.

I miss Sundays without football!!

The Regina Red Sox are looking for billets to host their import players for the 2013 Western Major Baseball League season. For further information, including an application, visit or call Nancy LeGard at 545-9973. The mission to "threepeat" starts at the end of the month. Can't wait to get out to Currie to enjoy some baseball.

How was the Ducks Unlimited dinner with Dan and Jay? I hope Regina gave those two a rousing sendoff because they will never be back together or at all on our soil after accepting their high-priced American gig. For that matter, how was the dinner in Moose Jaw featuring Tony Gabriel. I'm guessing 99 percent of it is in fun, but it can't be easy for Gabriel to walk into enemy waters like he is when he journeys into Saskatchewan. When it comes right down to it, he may always be public enemy #1 in the Rider Nation, but like many have said, what was he supposed to do...drop it!! That would have been so Buckneresque!

Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kate Upton came out this week and said she is all natural. Good for her!!

When the Jays traded Travis Snider to Pittsburgh, there was outrage. What has Travis Snider done in Pittsburgh since going there? Exactly! I even forget now who Toronto got in that trade.

Tough break for the people of Leroy this weekend as they lost their rink to fire. When small-town Saskatchewan loses its hockey rink or curling rink, it is bad news as that place is the town meeting ground.

Saskatchewan fashion week was this week with our best fashion designers showing off their merchandise. Where was the toque display?

The last 90 minutes to two hours of a golf tournament may be the best reality television there is. How about the final round of the Players Championship? After his bizarre complaint on Saturday, I don't think too many people were too disappointed to see Sergio Garcia dump two in the lake on 17 when he had a chance to win. Nice job Sergio...if you wanted to waste that much money in such a short time, either go to the casino or ask Tiger if you can borrow one of his "ladies". Oops, did I just type that.

I went into the weekend thinking the Stanley Cup playoffs would be Leaf-free, but I start the week wondering if the 2nd round will have two Canadian teams in it and if my Chicago-Boston finals prediction will go up in smoke.

I would put TSN's Sara Orlesky right up there with any woman walking south of the border doing ice-side or field-side work. In fact, she is a helluva lot better than a lot who are currently there already. It makes me wonder if ESPN ever decides to get back into the world of hockey if people like Gord Miller, James Duthie and Orlesky would be headed to Bristol.

There's something wrong with our world when Miley Cyrus is ranked as the #1 hottest woman in the world by MAXIM magazine. Something terribly wrong.

I will admit it now. I was so wrong when in pre-school, the teacher would come and say its nap time in the middle of the afternoon. The workplace needs to adopt the 30 minute nap. It would be gold!

Who else had that one pen with a 4 colours, and tried to push all the buttons at once..


  1. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Kane is the NHL MVP hands down. I can't believe he wasn't nominated. Guess its gotta be all Sid even though he didn't play. Stamkos got short-ended too.

  2. Clansman21125/13/2013

    About the new area codes....SaskTel says that it is just easier to add the new code to new phone numbers as they are used. When Alberta spilt the province in half with their codes, I understand it was a nightmare.

  3. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Sara Orlesky might be hands down the best female journalist in North America. She looks good, she sounds great, she asks great questions, etc. etc. etc. She would probably enjoy a nice cold beer on the patio too. I am surprised she isn't working south of the border already. She will one day!


    1. mike from vita, mb5/14/2013

      Sara is originally from Winnipeg. It will take a lot 4 her 2 uproot her family & move.

  4. Anonymous5/13/2013

    The NHL MVP candidates should have been Stamkos, Toews and Ovi in my mind. Sid missed too many games. Its a Crosby league though.

  5. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Not good enough to rub elbows with your boy Pedersen on the weekend hanging out with Onrait, O'Toole and Gabriel. Guess we know where that puts you eh Blair.

  6. Pedersen lives a Colin o Brian lifestyle and I live an Old Navy one. What can I say? Thanks for reading!

  7. 75flyersbestteamever5/13/2013

    Hey MB--totally different topic but-what are the Saskatoon Blades doing with all the free time between playoffs and the Mem Cup...did they send guys home for a while? have they literally practised the whole time? Just curious.

  8. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Onrait, O' Toole, just a couple of tools In the shed, their stupid little act will get lame real fast down south. Their return to Canada Imminent. Tony Gabriel, a CFLeague living football legend. Enjoyed the read today, Thanx Mr. Blair. P.S. Anonymous # 4 also a tool of no relevance with the juvenile post to this blog.

  9. Anonymous5/13/2013

    75flyers The blades had i think 2 weeks off in april then have been practicing since then. They've had a few little scrimmages with the fans and such but this past weekend had 2 actual games with referees and the video crew just no crowd. The team was split with both blade goalie playing. Ryan Keller was playing along with a few huskis and such.

  10. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Mike Babcock is the best coach in the NHL. Discussion over!

  11. Anonymous5/13/2013

    The only problem with Sara O Jason is that she isn't my wife! She is the best!


  12. 75flyersbestteamever5/13/2013

    To Anon#6 (hopefully counted right)
    -thanks for the info..look forward to the "On the Edge" TV episodes that cover this time on the Blades.

  13. Anonymous5/13/2013

    Totally second the motion and concur with previous post, Mike Babcock Is the best coach In the NHL, other's, remedial stop gaps !

  14. Anonymous5/13/2013

    What about the latest in winter boot fashionry when its 35 below?


  15. Anonymous5/13/2013

    I wonder if anonymous 4 is Bingo Arms! Sounds like something Hansford would write.

  16. Anonymous5/13/2013

    On The Edge really needs to be streamable somewhere.

    Then again, so does much of Access' line-up like Locker Talk etc.
