
Thursday, June 6, 2013

This And That

--A weekly collection of thoughts from my muddled brain in no particular order of importance

--Why can't all hockey be like what we saw Wednesday night between Boston and Pittsburgh? That was hockey the way the game is meant to be played.

--Someone needs to tell me why Zdeno Chara wasn't a finalist for the Norris Trophy? The guy just takes over a game when he is on the ice.

--If you're not going to do something right, than why change what you've been doing?

--It has become so evident in these playoffs that TSN's presentation is so much better than what Hockey Night in Canada gives. Of course, when CBC continues to employ Glenn Healy and PJ Stock it makes it easier for TSN.

--Rob Vanstone's column in today's Leader-Post on former U of R Cougar basketball standout Crystal Heisler is a must-read especially if you have followed the Cougar womens basketball team over the years. I had no idea she was battling that damn disease that starts with C. We need to find some way to find a cure for that disease because it affects so many on so many levels.

--The decision by SGI to put a device on motorcycles that measures speed, braking and other things is something that should be put on cars and trucks as well. You want to deter accidents, there's a perfect start when some device is letting SGI know exactly what kind of driver you are being. Why wouldn't you do this?

--Riders head coach Corey Chamblin had the line of the week after he was asked about receiver Yamon Figurs leaving camp one day after receiver Limas Sweed left town. Chamblin said he'd have to see what exactly receivers coach Jason Tucker is doing in drills to make them leave.

--There is some anger over the fact TSN has pulled a majority of the CFL exhibition games that were going to be on TV. Sorry, but CFL exhibition games--especially the first one isn't exactly the football I want to see because for the most part, its a very vanilla game on defence and in the 2nd half you see a bunch of guys who you will likely never hear of again. When the regular season begins, I will be there. The cost factor has to weigh into this as well. The viewership worth the cost of production isn't worth it.

--Be in downtown Regina on Friday for the annual "Sticks on Rose" street hockey event. Names like Jordan Eberle, Josh Harding, Ryan Murray and Scott Hartnell will be in attendance. Also playing will be former Montreal Canadien Brian Savage. Where has he been?

--Congrats to Cliff Mapes for getting his contract extended by the Regina Pats. Cliffy may be the hardest working guy I know and it disappoints me when I see the hard work he puts in to try and get people into the seats only to see those seats remain empty because of the apathy that is felt towards the team right now. What he needs to do now is get a scoreclock back at centre ice and to phone up the L-A Kings to see how much it cost them to get Eric Cartman to yell "GO KINGS GO". I would love to hear Cartman yelling "GO PATS GO" at the Brandt Centre. That would be awesome!

--Congrats to Jill Morgan for accepting a new position at CBC as she will take over for Costa Maragos reading the 6 and 11 o'clock news on CBC. Does this mean Heather Anderson is leaving the Global morning show to take over the evening run? I can't see why not and if it happens, Global has a huge hole to fill on the morning show as Heather and Rustie Dean are a great combination. (Yeah I know, I've said that just a few times before)

--I would love to see Brad Marchand wearing an Oilers uniform. I bet Alex Burrows would too!

--I have no problem with the NHL suspending Duncan Keith for a game, but at the same time the league should fine or suspend Jeff Carter for the slash on Keith's bare hand which precipitated the slash. Is that the only reason Keith is getting just one game?

--NFL commissioner Roger Goodell wants a team in London. Why? What good would an NFL team in London do and tell me the team wouldn't be hampered by travel. Goodell should think about L-A or Mexico City or yes Toronto before he does London.

--With Moncton getting awarded as one of the hosts for the female under 20 World Cup of Soccer, will they get enough money to possibly get a stadium that could be CFL ready and give the league that much desired team in the Maritimes?

--Kelly Kapowski or Kelly Taylor?

--Its just over a week until UFC 161 in Winnipeg. The card has been hit hard by injury, but as one of the many who will be at MTS Centre, I'm sure it will be a blast.

--Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Anonymous6/07/2013

    The reason why we can't see hockey like what Boston and Pittsburgh gives us is because there are too many teams which means there are too many players that shouldn't be playing the game. At this level, the elite shows. That's why you aren't seeing a Columbus, Minnesota, New jersey or Winnipeg involved.

  2. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Are you in Saskatoon?

  3. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Great content as usual.

    Kelly Kapowski vs. Kelly Taylor is a debate Generation X will have for the ages, and an answer can be given then reversed depending on the day or hour of the day. They have more in common than they do apart. Both as characters on the same show slept with Steve from BH 90210. Right there that makes a person want to puke. They were both characters with high maintenance issues - Kelly Taylor seemed to go through a skank phase, and then had the eating disorder. Kelly Kapowski was a normal cheerleader type on SBTB, but on 90210 she exhibited skank qualities.

    I've thought on this and you have to go with Kelly Kapowski for 2 reasons.

    1)She is completely hot as a brunette on both shows, and had a wild side, but wasn't "dirty" about it. Plus the "ick" factor is less with her. An attractive girl like her will always have male attention so it comes down to lesser of 2 evils.

    2) Kelly Kapowski as Valerie on 90210 had a skank quality, but at the end of the day looked way better in spandex from her SBTB days.

    Spandex in the early 90s carries the day. Therefore Kapowski wins.....for now.

    Ask me this afternoon it could change.

    Y'er Welcome

  4. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Why isn't Jessie Spano in this discussion?

  5. Anonymous6/07/2013

    You are just figuring out now that TSN's product is superior to CBC. Cmon Scruffy!!

  6. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Jessie Spano would just confuse the entire discussion to be honest. I think where Mitch was taking this was with leading ladies of the show.

    Jessie Spano had a phenomenal body, but she was frankly too smart for her own good on that show. The girl wanted to be loved for her mind, and it just wasn't possible. I honestly felt sorry for Slater because to my knowledge I don't think he ever hooked up with her and I know he put in how many years trying? I think there was anecdotal evidence that Zach at least might have copped a feel or maybe a little more with Kelly.

    So Jesse gets disqualified because unlike the Kelly squared debate she didn't put out. Jesse Spano was no different than Andrea on the 90210 show. She was way hotter than Andrea, but in all honesty you'd have a better chance getting something out of Andrea than you would Jesse. For that matter if you were on Saved By the Bell you'd be better off going after Lisa Turtle, but it was the early 90s and that type of thing wasn't really par for the course if you catch my drift.

    Mitch you are torturing me with this discussion.

    Y'er Welcome

  7. Anonymous6/07/2013

    There would be a lot of 20 something guys in trucks that would be some kinda pissed if SGI put those devices in their "babies". I'm all for it too especially if it cuts down on the idiocy we see daily on the Ring Road.


  8. Anonymous6/07/2013

    CFL exhibition.....YAWNNNNNN! That includes the Riders.


  9. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Monitoring your speed etc by way of a GPS and that is exactly what it is, is stupid beyond belief. They say they don't but they do actually have ability to follow you around when your in your car with that same technology. This is big brother in it's most dangerous forum; free society! You might as well have CCTV in every room of your house so they can see and listen in to your conversations. Have an automatic lock on the fridge so they can attempt to stamp out obesity. Enough is enough and this intrusion into your life and freedoms is intolerable. Our fighting men died to protect our freedoms and yet there are some out there who would just roll over and let the government follow your every day movements and speed of movements from the eye in the sky. unbloody believable!

  10. Anonymous6/07/2013


  11. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Lets make it an interesting three way involving Kellys. Kapowski, Taylor or Bundy!! WOAHHHHHHHH Bundy!!

  12. Anonymous6/07/2013


  13. Anonymous6/07/2013

    Keep dreaming about Marchand going to Edmonton! It will never, ever happen!

