
Friday, June 28, 2013

This And That




--It's been a long wait since the Super Bowl for football that matters, but the CFL returned Thursday night with the Bombers showing off their snazzy new digs against the Montreal Alouettes. I'll give the Bombers some credit as they fell down early, but they came back in the 3rd quarter and for a while, I thought they might beat Montreal. The Alouettes did come back to win it though by a score of 38-33. A very entertaining game to start the season off. Lets hope that is the first of many.


--What’s the over/under on wins by the Blue Bombers this year? 4 1/2. Yeah, they looked OK on night one, but I still don't see that team winning a lot of games.



--Where will the Riders finish this year? No one seems to know. Some have them finishing first in the West while others have them last. I have them second behind BC.  I just think the Lions still have the best team on paper and they may have the best team period. While I would like nothing more to see Darian Durant and company get presented with the Grey Cup in November at Mosaic, I realistically believe that honour will go to B.C after a win over Toronto.

--If the Riders aren’t going to be in the big game though, I’m just hoping Hamilton isn’t either. Burris, Fantuz and Austin coming back to Mosaic and perhaps leaving with the Cup would be a tough pill for the Rider Nation to swallow. Then again, we swallowed a rather large pill in 2009 didn’t we. SIGHHHHHHH!!!


--The Geroy Simon comments this week have been a little over the top. I believe in his column Rod Pedersen calls it rude. I can't disagree. Can we let the guy play for a while? Someone said Wally just laughs when he lets a Hall of Fame receiver go knowing he will end up in Saskatchewan and get fed to the wolves. While I think the actions of some are a little over the top, I am always reminded this fan-base booed Ron Lancaster too. It always makes me wonder how a guy like Brett Favre would have been treated here. Tell me his demeanour and Mississippi style wouldn't have won over everyone.

--A lot of people are talking about the defence and how John Chick and Rey Williams will enjoy a renaissance and how the unit is overall stronger. When its all said and done, I think Keith Shologan has a monster year and is perhaps the team's top defensive player. For some reason, I think Sholo just tears it up in 2013.

--With Rod in Edmonton, I will host Four Seasons Football Friday in the Sportscage tomorrow and I'm proud to announce that my two co-hosts are the newest additions to "Rider Radio". Former DB Lance Frazier and DL Luc Mullinder have a lot to say and they will say it starting tomorrow at 5. 

--The Rider Radio roster now includes the best in the biz in Rod and Carm, Michael Ball, Chris Szarka, Scott Schultz, Matt Dominguez, Gary Etcheverry, Frazier and Mullinder. What the hell is a schmuck like me doing in amongst that talent? In all seriousness though, what more do you want Rider fans? You are getting it from some of the best that have been in that locker-room and they all bring their "A" game to the table.

--The Colorado Avalanche have said they will not take Seth Jones with the number one overall draft pick, but I will believe that when I see it. Can Jones somehow fall to 7 when Edmonton picks? Yeah. that ain't happening. I hope the Oilers take a defenceman, but I somehow see them adding yet another forward. Darnell Nurse is the guy I would like to see Edmonton take, but he may be gone by the time the pick is made.

--If I'm James Reimer, I am being told by the Leafs that they don't have great confidence in me as a starter. In fact, Reimer might want to start packing his bags because I see him getting dealt.

--Back to the Oilers, there is no doubt they need some grit up front and there is word that Chicago is putting David Bolland on the trade block. If Edmonton could sign Bolland to a long-term deal, I would see what interests Chicago. Bolland will improve whatever team he is on.

--Bolland's heroics gave Chicago the Stanley Cup in what can only be described as one of those bizarre games that will be replayed often and not forgotten. When it was over, NBC's Mike Emrick commented about how the players could just put everything behind them seemingly and line up to shake hands. That has to be so tough to do in some cases like Boston in Game 6. Can you imagine the Riders shaking the hands of the Alouettes at midfield after GC 09.  YIKES!!!


--Nik Wallenda had a lot of people watch him walk over the Grand Canyon saying it was miraculous. Wallenda's  next feat is reportedly trying to get from one end of the Ring Road to the other without yelling at some driver or crashing his vehicle!

--Nice week for Boston sports fans…Aaron Hernandez, the Bruins collapse and Doc Rivers leaves the Celtics for the Clippers. If only the Red Sox “chicken and beer” story came out now.

--Pete Paczko and I are finished another season of Locker Talk. The Access 7 show will resume in the fall, but will it be with us at the controls? The end of this week’s show seemed to “suggest” otherwise. In our last episode, Pete and I ventured out to the Regina Lawn Bowling greens to learn the sport from Keith and Jean Roney who have won numerous Canadian and international awards for the sport. Its not the lawn bowling you play out at the park ladies and gents. It actually was pretty good and seeing the lawn bowling club is open for office gatherings and things like that, it might be an idea.

--I’m glad to see the guys at High Impact Wrestling are flourishing and that they are starting to become a name not only in Regina, but across Saskatchewan as they have many events planned. They aren’t getting the big $$$ and they put their bodies through the test doing what they do night after night. Its good to see the recognition for them.


--I am so happy to see Sarah Mills finally get her own show on CJME. I've known Sarah for years and she is one of my favourite people. If you got to know her, you would know why. She has worked her little British rump off for years and its about time she was recognized for her hard work by her getting a show. From what I've heard, it sounds great.  I'm really proud of her. Its just a good job that her show ends at 4 because with Sportscage starting at 4 beginning Monday----well you know.

 --I love Seattle, but do they really deserve being in the talk for an NHL team when their NBC affiliate wouldn't even put on the Stanley Cup games. Is that the market you want to have?

--That's all I got. Looks like its going to be a great weekend so get out there and enjoy it!




  1. Anonymous6/28/2013

    The Bombers will win six this year if they can keep Buck on his feet.

  2. Anonymous6/28/2013

    Hamilton winning the Grey Cup would be a giant kick in the nuts to Rider Nation.


  3. Anonymous6/28/2013


  4. Anonymous6/28/2013

    Burris, Fantuz and Austin. Henry was forced out by Danny Barrett and Roy Shivers, now that the story is out you can't blame him for leaving. Kent simply wouldn't come back to be Jim Hopson's puppet and I don't blame him for that. Now Andy is a different story. He flirted and teased Rider fans right to the time he signed with the Ti-Cats. I'm okay with Hank and Kent but that traitor really draws my ire.


  5. Anonymous6/29/2013

    The first 3 CFL games in week one were Fantastic ! Lets hope the Rider game keeps it going !

  6. Anonymous6/29/2013

    I agree BB Anonymous #4. Fantuz is a seriously misguided soul.
