
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thoughts On What Transpired In T-O

Another solid victory for the green and white, but all questions over the next few days will revolve around Darian Durant's foot and what his status for the July 21 game against Hamilton will be. I am guessing we won't know that until next Wednesday. Corey Chamblin will give his team the weekend off and if what I am to understand is right, they will hold a short practice Monday and then take Tuesday off before getting in their three practices for the Hamilton game on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I would be surprised to see Durant practice Monday with the exception of doing some light tossing.

Both sides of the ball continue to play extremely well. Kory Sheets is on pace for 26 hundred yards and there is no sign of him slowing down. He keeps making the plays because the o-line keeps opening up huge holes for him to run through. The o-line must be loving this and the fact that Sheets owes them lunch again this week. What day will the Bonburger truck be at Mosaic?

You have to feel good for Rob Bagg. His touchdown was his first one since 2010 and validates that road to recovery somewhat. It hasn't been easy for Bagg the last couple of years and I think he's gotten a little tired about talking about his battle to come back, but being able to contribute and get in the endzone has to make him feel good about all that hard work he committed himself to.

So why did the Hamilton Tiger-Cats let go of Rey Williams again? I was skeptical of this move when he came back because of the way Joe Lobendahn had played, but Williams is playing like the Rey Williams that was here in 2009.

I thought CKRM's Lance Frazier painted the perfect analogy for the Rider defence on the call in show after the game. Frazier says the defence is like a boxer that feels his way out with jabs and dances around for the first couple of rounds to see what his opponent brings before reacting to it and shutting it down. It took the Riders a half against Calgary and a quarter and a bit against Toronto.

I do have to wonder how the complexion of the game would have changed had the interception return for a TD counted. I thought that was an iffy call as the defender has the right to the football just as much as the receiver. I know they explained it on the broadcast as saying it was a penalty, but it was a chintzy one. Even Frazier tweeted that was a bad call as he protects his fellow d-backs. I just wonder what Rider fans would be saying if that call had been reversed and it had been Dwight Anderson or Macho Harris getting one taken away.

There is no reason why Mosaic shouldn't be sold out for the return of Kent Austin, Henry Burris and Andy Fantuz. I'm getting the feeling that July 21 will be a fun night at the old stadium.


  1. Anonymous7/11/2013

    Given how little Kory Sheets gets paid, he may be broke by the end of the season. Maybe there can be a special burger fund started to help him out for the next 15 times he goes over 100 yards this season.

  2. Anonymous7/12/2013

    All credit to Sheets, but how about that o-line. They have been fantastic in run blocking and pass blocking.

  3. Anonymous7/12/2013

    If Durant is done, so are the Riders.


  4. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Why should I care what you think? Why should anyone care what you think?


  5. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Anon 4, do you really believe anyone cares what you think? Keep dreaming! U.R. Dumber

  6. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Looks like Sheets is going to make good on his promise. What a start! Can you say early favourite for MOP?


  7. Anonymous7/12/2013

    I agree witn Anon 2. Give the 0-line the love they deserve.


  8. Anonymous7/12/2013

    The defensive back may have a right to go for the ball, but he cant go through the receiver to get to it. The guy CLEARLY hit Smith from behind in order to get to the ball. It was a penalty and i would have said that if it had been one of our guys.


  9. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Sheets belongs In the NFL, not a minor league.


    1. Anonymous7/13/2013

      Anon 4 why do you read this blog if you question what Mitchell thinks.You define the words pathetic loser.

  10. Anonymous7/12/2013

    so you explained why Richie's defence always starts slow, please tell us why they always end a game allowing a 100 yard drive against them.


  11. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Any word on DD?

  12. Anonymous7/12/2013

    The pick six that was brought back was interference. It was also a 14 point swing. I don't know if they win that game if they don't get that call.

  13. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Gettin the feeling we may never see Durant complete a pass to Simon.

  14. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Loved your tweet about Lynch and Shepherd last night. The sad thing is you are probably not wrong.


  15. Anonymous7/12/2013

    Sk Roughriders don't need $ide $how $imon and his ongoing weekly non playing status, Riders doing just fine without. Team would be better off to release him of his player contract and add to the coaching fraternity In some capacity.


  16. Anonymous7/14/2013

    Would you quit ragging on Simon ! He provides valuable Leadership / Experience / Mentorship to the Team - those abilities / skills / qualities are just as valuable to the Riders as his playing ability. Give the Rider Management some credit for their decision to trade for Geroy. If they were only interested in what he is able to contribute on the field, they would not have traded for / signed him. Time to give it a rest - your whining and complaining is getting tiring .....
