
Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Minutes With Geroy Simon

It could be and should be a big weekend for Riders receiver Geroy Simon as he is two catches short of 1000 for his career. You may have seen my story on or Rob Vanstone's article on Geroy today as he was standing by listening in to my conversation with Simon (You're welcome for that RV). Here is how he is feeling going into Saturday and getting to a place where very few in the game have gotten to.


  1. Anonymous8/15/2013

    I still think the Riders getting him was a mistake. Money could have been used elsewhere

  2. Anonymous8/15/2013

    You would think your good buddy Vanstone would have given you some credit in his story. Did he even ask a question? Makes good old RV look bad.

  3. Anonymous8/15/2013

    Got damn, this Is your Interview Mr Blair that I read In the LP, the evidence Is here for everyone's listening pleasure. Soundcloud working for this one.

    HTC one Android

  4. Anonymous8/15/2013

    Anon 1. Take your head out of your A$$!

  5. Anonymous8/15/2013

    Hey mention of McCartney being on CJME while you and Rod were doing well who cares.

  6. Nope, no mention of it whatsoever. I was on the #1 rated show in that time slot and the show that has been #1 ever since it debuted. I'm guessing not many were listening. Obviously you were, perhaps you were pushing buttons. Thanks for checking in!

  7. Anonymous8/15/2013

    Anon 2 brings up a very good point. Does that happen often?


  8. Anonymous8/15/2013

    Not hard to see that rawlco people read your blog and Petersons. They really think they're something don't they. We should know Mitch since we both worked there.

