
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Conversation With Tom Higgins

As you know, I haven't been enamoured with the state of officiating in the CFL. I spoke with director of officiating Tom Higgins today and asked him the questions I wanted answers to. I thank Mr. Higgins for answering my questions in a professional manner and I look forward to sparking up the conversation again during Grey Cup week. I'm even buying the first one Tom!


  1. Anonymous10/30/2013

    Well done Scruffy!

  2. Anonymous10/30/2013

    Higgins was a bad coach and even worse now as a director of officiating.

  3. Anonymous10/31/2013

    Why wouldn't TSN have a referees segment?

  4. Mike from Vita, MB10/31/2013

    At least Higgins doesn't take a pompous attitude & place the blame on everyone else. He is wise enough to fall on his sword when he knows the crews screwed up.

  5. Anonymous10/31/2013

    I think you and Rod touched upon a very interesting thing after this was played. That is the relationship between the league and TSN. It sounds like its not that great. I wonder if its for reasons like this where the network wants to blast the refs, but contractually can't yet they are telling Higgins week after week after week how bad they are.


  6. Anonymous10/31/2013

    You asked the questions and Higgy bear answered them. He may have danced a little, but he answered them.

  7. Anonymous10/31/2013

    If you are buying Mitchell, it will have to be milk or pop- Tom doesn't drink alcohol - never has.
