
Monday, November 18, 2013

Getting That Ring! What Rider Deserves One!

We are six days away from the  much-anticipated 101st Grey Cup. The Saskatchewan Roughriders and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats fighting it out at Mosaic for CFL supremacy. There's no guaranteeing the Riders will win the game, but if they do, you will have to feel happy for several members of the team. Who in this Riders organization deserves a Grey Cup ring for what they have gone through? Here are 5

5. Brendan Taman:  The Riders GM has done a stellar job in assembling talent here. He has been to this dance many times before, but he has not been able to see his team win the one game that matters. Taman is a proven GM. If you need a championship on your resume to justify that, then Taman needs one,

4. John Chick: When John Chick walked off the field at the 2009 Grey Cup like everyone else he was devastated over the turn of events. Chick left for the NFL and was not around for the 2010 game. He is back now and when your shot at a title is never guaranteed, he may never be back in this position. After being so close in 2009, he deserves a ring

3. Tristan Jackson: Jackson wasn't even with this team when the season started. He seemed to get in the coach's doghouse last year and I will admit to being surprised when Corey Chamblin brought him back this year. From going to working in the oilfields in Northern Alberta to coming back and being an impact player in the secondary in the second half of the season. Its been quite an eventful year for Tristan and it would be great to see it capped off with a title.

2. Darian Durant: The reason for this is crystal-clear. Darian had a championship in his back pocket in 2009 only for the football gods to take it away. I don't have to tell you the grief Durant has gone through during his time in Saskatchewan. While some of the criticism is understandable, the over-the-top criticism is way out of control. Durant needs a GC ring to solidify his legacy in Saskatchewan and silence the doubters who say he can't get the job done.

1. Rob Bagg: How can it not be Rob Bagg? One of the most indelible images I will have of this 2013 season is the sight of Rob Bagg in tears walking off the field after thinking he had suffered another season-ending and likely career-ending knee injury during a game against Montreal. Bagg's 2009 Grey Cup came to an end on what was the last offensive play for the Riders as he suffered a broken collarbone. He did not play in the 2010 Grey Cup because of a knee injury and he didn't play in last year's Western semi because of a knee injury. Bagg has never given up and he has somehow gotten himself back in the lineup being a guy the Riders depend on. There is no doubt about it as far as I am concerned. If the Riders win the 2013 Grey Cup, I will be extremely happy for Rob Bagg who will get that ring as a reward for the perseverance he has been through.


GC 101 Fact #2 -- Expect the air to be full of footballs Sunday night. Henry Burris and Darian Durant were 1-2 in most passing attempts this season. Burris had 568 attempts while Durant had 531


  1. Anonymous11/18/2013

    How can you not put Bagg at #1 on this list. Its a no-brainer!


  2. Anonymous11/19/2013

    I think a lot of us can visualize Rob crying on the Mosaic turf again Sunday although these will be tears of joy. GO RIDERS!!!

  3. Anonymous11/19/2013

    1) Darian Durant

    2) Darian Durant

    3) Darian Durant

    4) Darian Durant

    5) Darian Durant

    ....and even then it won't be enough for some people. I just want him to win this thing. Brendan Tamam has had the worst luck of any GM I've ever known, but it'll be good for him to get it.

    The guy you sit with at Wrestling

  4. Keith Jeworski11/19/2013

    Neil Hughes and Mike McCullough are two more names to consider.

  5. Anonymous11/19/2013

    I'm a big DD fan and I'm so happy he's finally going to shut up the loudmouths but if there's only one ring to give out it has to go to Rob Bagg.

    Old Cuss

  6. Mike from Vita, MB11/20/2013


  7. Anonymous11/20/2013

    Darian x50 for all the crap he has to put up with. Good point about Taman, not his fault Westwood missed 2-3 field goals against Marcus Crandell and the Stamps during their most dominant year.

  8. Anonymous11/20/2013

    1. Durant
    2. Taman
    3. Bagg
    4. McCullough
    5. Dressler/Getzlaf
