
Monday, November 18, 2013

Kent Austin's Thoughts

Kent Austin knows it won't be easy coming back to a city he loves and trying to take the Grey Cup out of town with 44-thousand others having something to say about it. Austin made his first public comments on Sunday's game and his fondness for Regina this afternoon. To hear his comments, click here


  1. Anonymous11/18/2013

    Got to give the man credit where credit Is due, congratulations and great job Mr Kent Austin. You got your team to the Grey Cup Championship In one season at the helm, something your counterpart gm has been struggling to do throughout his tenures In the CFL.

    Go Tiger Cats !!!!

    Win that Grey Cup on Taylor Field !!!!

    1. Anonymous11/18/2013

      Nice try cupcake!
      Y'er welcome.

  2. Anonymous11/18/2013

    Kent had nothing do with 89 and 07? How gullible does he think we are?

  3. Anonymous11/18/2013

    That's pretty awesome for Hamilton to get to the GC without playing a home game this year.
