
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Martin Adds Gushue For Sochi Bid

Kevin Martin has found somebody to watch his back.
The defending Olympic curling champion has recruited Brad Gushue as the fifth man for December’s Olympic trials.
Martin and his team first mulled the possibility of approaching Gushue when they were driving home from a World Curling Tour event in Saskatoon on Oct. 1.
Martin had collapsed with back pain during the event semifinal, prompting some concern Martin would not be able to answer the bell for the Dec. 1 trials in Winnipeg.
“It wasn’t my decision as much as it was a team decision,” said Martin. “At the time, I was in a lot of pain and it was a terrible drive.
“I don’t think it was a bad decision. Obviously, Brad is happy to be playing.”
When Martin called up Gushue, the 2006 Olympic gold medallist was still in the hunt for a trials berth.
“I didn’t even know if it would be possible at that point,” said Martin, whose gamble paid off. “When I first talked to Brad, he said ‘I’ll be there’ and he was looking forward to beating us.”
Gushue was edged out of a trials berth by 2013 Brier champ Brad Jacobs on Sunday.
“Obviously, he wanted to be there himself,” said Martin. “We’re really pleased, from our point of view, to get Brad.”
Gushue has the credentials to step into any position in the lineup, including taking over for Martin at skip, should Martin’s back flare up again.
So far, Martin has managed to nurse his injury back to the point where it hasn’t affected his play.
After taking a weekend off following his win at Saskatoon, Martin looked none the worse for wear when he won the inaugural Crestwood spiel.
Martin made the semifinal of the Masters Grand Slam and will play at the Canadian Open in Medicine Hat this weekend.
So far, Gushue’s presence will at least provide a good insurance policy for the first-year lineup.
“I’d be fairly foolish is I hadn’t done it,” said Martin. “I feel really good right now. If it’s available, why not go for it?”
Martin pointed out that Gushue could play any position from second to skip. During Gushue’s Olympic run, he did his share of sweeping while the legendary Russ Howard took care of skipping duties.
“He’s a backup player with a proven track record,” said Martin. “I’m sure Brad would be willing an able to step into the lineup if he was called upon.”
As far as his back problems go, it seems to be a non-issue right now.
“He’s been there (Olympics) before,” said Martin. “He’s won it before. Even if he doesn’t throw a rock the rest of the way, he’d be a fantastic fifth man. He can play anywhere, from second, third to skip if need be.”
Could Martin have landed on his feet any better?

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