
Thursday, November 14, 2013

This And That

A weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled brain and in no particular order.

  --Its the penultimate weekend in the CFL. The division finals are here. The Riders are in Calgary and Hamilton is in Toronto. Regardless of who wins, the story line will be crazy for the 101 Grey Cup.  I've got the Riders and Argos for what its wort.

  --It was crazy to walk outside of the Harvard studios Wednesday night and have it raining. Can we actually have a decent forecast leading up to and including the day of the big game? It looks promising right now.

  --Quote of the week from Ricky Foley "They don't like us, we don't like them. We want to  hit them in the mouth, they want to hit us in the mouth. They want to win and we want to win." If that quote doesn't get you ready for the Western Final what does. Foley was also asked about the rivalry he had with Saskatchewan when he was with BC and how it compares to the Calgary rivalry. He says its right up there if not the same because both teams know they are good and can knock the other one off one day while getting knocked off the next. He added the football is a little fiercer in the West. He's right. Why is that?

  --If the truth be known, the quote of the week came from Toronto mayor Rob Ford. Talk about taking bar-talk just a little too far ladies and gentlemen. I can't help but wonder what Mrs. Ford thought about that and everything that is going on with her husband. She must be a tolerant and patient woman because who's kidding who, Robbie boy is fortunate not to go home and see all his crap on the front lawn with the card of a divorce lawyer stapled onto something.

 --A question was asked of Darian Durant this week. That question was "Are you happy to be in the Western Final?" What type of response are you looking for in that situation? What would you expect him to say. Are you hoping for something like "Man, I was hoping the defense would let BC go right back down the field after I gave them the lead because I really wanted to pack my bags so I could watch my brother play with the Cowboys at Thanksgiving because I've had enough football for one season." Hey, I'm just as guilty as anyone as asking a dumb question here or there, but that one made me go HUH??

  --While the Saskatchewan Roughriders will be competitive in 2014---at least I think they will be, we know there will be change. I think the biggest holes Corey Chamblin will have to fill will be amongst his own staff. I see George Cortez, Khari Jones, Barron Miles and Jason Tucker all moving on to take new jobs. While there is talk of Jones perhaps being the coach of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, I don't think that will happen. With all due respect to Khari, the Bombers need to make a splash with their head coach and not take someone going into their first HC job. I can't see how the Bombers can't go with Paul Lapolice. Then again, it is the Bombers and they are more dysfunctional these days than the Eskimos so who knows.

  --Is number one on the off-season list for the Riders getting Weston Dressler to sign a new contract? He is going into his option year I believe and if he doesn't get an invite down south (which is one he more than deserves and is rumoured to be getting by Marc Trestman and the Chicago Bears) he needs to be locked up for years.

  --Danny Barrett in Edmonton? When Arash Madani first tweeted that out, I laughed, but upon further thought, Danny would be walking into a situation very similiar to what he walked into in Saskatchewan. Does he want that role again? GM Ed Hervey said he wanted a head coach who was less media friendly than Kavis Reed and while Danny could certainly fit into that category, Ed should just look at his current coaching staff and promote Kris Sweet.

 --Do you remember back in 2007 when on the day before the West final, Wally Buono got into it with Riders colour man Carm Carteri at his press conference. Carteri was not happy with the way the Lions had presented themselves that year and Wally took a veiled shot at Carm that Carm wasn't going to let go. Some said it threw Wally off and that was a reason why the Riders won. Fast forward to 2013 and I can really see Jon Cornish approaching Rod Pedersen because of Rod's stance to not vote for Cornish for top Canadian thus meaning the decision wasn't unanimous. I can really see Cornish trying to get into RP's grill. Sorry Roddie, but that would create some awesome headlines.

 --More people will be at the CFL East final than the CFL West semi-final. Let that soak in for a bit.

  --The Richie Incognito/Jonathan Martin story continues to have its twists and turns. There is no doubt Incognito is one giant douchebag, but Martin is no choir boy either it would seem. All I know after reading about this story is the NFL is NOT ready for a player to declare he is homosexual and have a future. He would be eaten alive. Some have whispered perhaps Martin is one which I don't know, but the culture of the locker room is not ready to welcome a homosexual into their midst. I could be way off base on that one,. but that's my two cents.

 --Speaking of guys that are douchebags, I present to you Ben Roethlisberger. The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback is currently on a bumpy road and he has suggested a trade. The team has stood by Roethlisberger how many times from his motorcycle accident to his public indiscretions with women in washrooms and he is thanking them by wanting to bail at the first opportunity. Nice loyalty there Ben!

 --Week 11 NFL Lock Of The Week --- Saints over 49ers
    Week 11 NFL Upset Of The Week ---Jaguars over Cardinals

 --Taylor Swift is going to perform at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. She's singing right?

 --Get out to the Cougar basketball games this weekend ===especially Saturday night when Cougar alumni rally for former player Crystal Heisler now McGregor who is battling cancer. . I have spoken about Crystal in an earlier blog posting. I get the feeling that a lot of awesome might be leaked out Saturday night from a lot of people. I could be one of them.

 --There are times when you want to say something, but just know you shouldn't or can't. There have been a lot of those opportunities lately. A lot!

 --I've gone a level or two beyond disgruntled when it comes to the Edmonton Oilers. 20 games in and it appears as if another season of no playoff hockey in Northern Alberta will occur. I said it going into the 2012 draft----DO NOT DRAFT NAIL YAKUPOV!!! He wasn't even the best junior on his team, but the Oilers did and now they are paying for it. I said the team should have went with Ryan Murray or Griffin Reinhart and in retrospect perhaps Morgan Rielly, but they went with another forward that they didn't need and one that seemed to be diva-like before he came to Edmonton. His problems are just one of many this team has. I don't know what will turn it around for them, but I'm one of many who are just disgusted with their play.

 --Nazem Kadri's hit on Nick Backstrom is suspension-worthy and gets the Leafs forward 3 games. Really? The wussification of hockey continues.

 --I'm glad to see NHL GM's are looking at extending overtime to 10 minutes before going to the shootout. I wish the NHL would just ashcan the shootout, but giving teams 5 more minutes to settle things should get a winner most of the time I would hope. Then again as Derek Meyers of Global Regina so aptly put it while on Sportscage Tuesday "Why does the NHL keep wanting to change its rules and what do they think they are going to accomplish." He's right!

--One way to curb teenage pregnancy. Start showing movies in school of a crying baby for five hours straight. Think about it!!!!

 --CKRM program director Grant Biebrick feels Fake Gainer on Twitter is better than Bitter Gainer because Fake Gainer tweets 24/7 while Bitter Gainer seems to only come around every once in a while. In the end, I agree, but BG has the funnier, more biting Tweets. I'd just like to know who controls those accounts.

--I just wrote four lines critiquing Twitter accounts. Its time to end this.

---I would be shocked if the Blue Jays traded Jose Bautista. If anyone is going to get traded, it will be JP Arencibia, Adam Lind, Colby Rasmus or Casey Janssen. I'd love to put Ricky Romero on that list, but who would want him and what would you realistically get?

--Problem with my life: I love sleeping but I never want to go to bed early.

--Have a great weekend everyone. Wear the /=S=/ with pride.  GO RIDERS!!! GO SEAHAWKS!!! GO OILE----yeah never mind!


  1. Anonymous11/15/2013

    As a fellow Oilers fan, I agree with you on Yakupov. After having Hall, RNH and Eberle, you didn't need another forward, but they got one. Ryan Murray would have been a much better selection.


  2. Anonymous11/15/2013

    What's the weather for GC Sunday? Do we know yet?

  3. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Sorry Grant, Bitter Gainer rulez!!! My two cents (can we even say that with pennies out of circulation).

  4. Anonymous11/15/2013

    I can definitely see Cortez leaving and probably Khari too. That will have a huge effect on Darian. How many OC's can a guy go through?

    peter dalla riva

  5. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Yakupov has been a disaster. He's close to being a bust. I don't know what else needs to be done.

  6. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Sorry Anon 2, but Fake Gainer is wayyyyyyyyy more funny than Bitter Gainer.

  7. Anonymous11/15/2013

    Cornish will get even with Peterson by buying him lunch at Humptys

  8. Anonymous11/15/2013

    If Dressler has an option year remaining, he can’t try out down south. The option window no longer exists, which is why Chris Williams put up such a fight to get out of his contract.

  9. Anonymous11/15/2013

    So you listed every coach we have but Richie Hall and he's the only one I wish was going. Mark my words, the defence is going to crap the bed, either in Calgary or at the big dance. DD is going to play great and the defence is going to let him down and it will be Darian's fault.


  10. 75flyersbestteamever11/16/2013

    Great Line Anon #7 (hope I counted right)

    If Cornish was really PO'd at Roddy he'd make him eat supper there too.


  11. Hey BB,
    Why don't you give up on the Richie Hall hating crap - no ones buying it.

  12. Anonymous11/16/2013

    ZZ; Other than beating Dinwiddie in his first ever start please list all of Richie's wins in big games as a DC.


  13. Hey BB,
    How about Nov. 17, 2013 in Calgary! Time to concede defeat and love the work of the great Richie Hall! The Rider Defence Rocks!
